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lavache and neutrino doubts

Started by copachino, June 03, 2014, 08:02:38 PM

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hi, i have some values not in stock for tis pedals, and i want to build them, but to buy so many parts its like expensive to me since i live outside usa,

so, i was thinking to change the values a bit, for the lavache overdive i only have 1KB and 100KA pcb mounts pots, maybe use both 100KA pots??, also, i dont have 3.3M resitors, i only got, 10M an 2.2M resistor, can use the 2.2M??

and for the neutrino i dont have the 150Nf capacitor onli 100nf, probably this will only affect the tone control, but im not sure..

i want the most the lavache but its the one with the less parts i have, will it work normal witht he changes??
Affiliations: madbeanpedals fan and pedal porn lover....


On the LaVache, I'd guess that it'll work with the 2.2M in place of the 3.3M, but it's going to change the characteristics some. It'll change the frequency response of the non-boost mode for sure. If you have enough 10M resistors, and you can fit them in there, 3 10M in parallel will get you 3.3M.

You could put a 100kA in as the gain pot. It'll give you less range and the log profile might be screwy. If it were me, I'd just take the gain pot out and jumper pads. I always have that one pegged anyway and use the guitar to set the gain into the pedal.

I haven't built the Neutrino, but looking at the schematic, the 150n is going to do a bit more and less than alter the tone control. It sets up the corner of the first filter which is in series with the filter setup by the TC.  It also will cut the highs by itself. So, what it'll do overall will depend on the position of the tone pot. When the tone is turned to high cut, a smaller value cap than the 150n will cut fewer highs and the pedal will be brighter. When the TC is set to a high boost then the interaction between the two filters will set an upper mids resonant boost with a low pass character overall. Changing the 150n cap to a 100n will change the Q of the peak and the frequency of the final rolloff. You might like the 100n better, it might be worse. I'd socket it at least. If you have a toggle and a 47nF cap, you could setup it up to be switchable between the ~150nF and 100nF settings.
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rock•it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).


Quote from: RobA on June 04, 2014, 11:36:35 AM
On the LaVache, I'd guess that it'll work with the 2.2M in place of the 3.3M, but it's going to change the characteristics some. It'll change the frequency response of the non-boost mode for sure. If you have enough 10M resistors, and you can fit them in there, 3 10M in parallel will get you 3.3M.

You could put a 100kA in as the gain pot. It'll give you less range and the log profile might be screwy. If it were me, I'd just take the gain pot out and jumper pads. I always have that one pegged anyway and use the guitar to set the gain into the pedal.

I haven't built the Neutrino, but looking at the schematic, the 150n is going to do a bit more and less than alter the tone control. It sets up the corner of the first filter which is in series with the filter setup by the TC.  It also will cut the highs by itself. So, what it'll do overall will depend on the position of the tone pot. When the tone is turned to high cut, a smaller value cap than the 150n will cut fewer highs and the pedal will be brighter. When the TC is set to a high boost then the interaction between the two filters will set an upper mids resonant boost with a low pass character overall. Changing the 150n cap to a 100n will change the Q of the peak and the frequency of the final rolloff. You might like the 100n better, it might be worse. I'd socket it at least. If you have a toggle and a 47nF cap, you could setup it up to be switchable between the ~150nF and 100nF settings.

thanks i will see if there its enough space, or i can use a 2.4M and 1M in series to get the 3.4M, plus tolarence i think i could be fine, and for the pot i was reading a post from RG, that says some trick over the pots to convert them into log, anti log, so maybe i can use them to make the log pot into a linear one, maybe not perfect, but at least enough until i get the real pots
Affiliations: madbeanpedals fan and pedal porn lover....


Quote from: copachino on June 04, 2014, 02:47:19 PM

thanks i will see if there its enough space, or i can use a 2.4M and 1M in series to get the 3.4M, plus tolarence i think i could be fine, and for the pot i was reading a post from RG, that says some trick over the pots to convert them into log, anti log, so maybe i can use them to make the log pot into a linear one, maybe not perfect, but at least enough until i get the real pots
I've used resistors in series many times to get the values I need and it works well. That option, if you have the right values, will work much better than trying to parallel 3 of them. A 1M and a 2.2M will get you close enough and within the tolerances of a 3.3M.

Converting a log pot into a linear one isn't doable as far as I know. You would need to start with a 1M pot to start with anyway because you can really only reduce the value of the pots when doing these tricks.
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rock•it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).


thanks, i will solder tofay and see if this work at least for a decent sound meantime my order form small bear arrives, since it takes about a month to get my home, but i will upload some phothos of my etched boards.
Affiliations: madbeanpedals fan and pedal porn lover....


Quote from: RobA on June 05, 2014, 01:51:04 PM
Quote from: copachino on June 04, 2014, 02:47:19 PM

thanks i will see if there its enough space, or i can use a 2.4M and 1M in series to get the 3.4M, plus tolarence i think i could be fine, and for the pot i was reading a post from RG, that says some trick over the pots to convert them into log, anti log, so maybe i can use them to make the log pot into a linear one, maybe not perfect, but at least enough until i get the real pots
I've used resistors in series many times to get the values I need and it works well. That option, if you have the right values, will work much better than trying to parallel 3 of them. A 1M and a 2.2M will get you close enough and within the tolerances of a 3.3M.

Converting a log pot into a linear one isn't doable as far as I know. You would need to start with a 1M pot to start with anyway because you can really only reduce the value of the pots when doing these tricks.

i get the 3.3M resistor, so everything its as the project doc, but for the transistor, i will use standard 2N5088 fr a while socked, untill i get those 2N3565, that are coming all the way to my home, probably in two weeks im gonna have them, but im still, will only 100KA pot, or 500KA pot... or 100KB pot wired, maybe the gain its going tobe much less.. but...
Affiliations: madbeanpedals fan and pedal porn lover....