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Looking for a New amp!

Started by GammaFlex, June 02, 2014, 01:54:43 AM

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So this might be a tall order, but I'm looking for around a 5watter tubey (I'm in an apartment) that preferably has a darker voxy/marshall tone. I'm trying to get after that Rory Gallagher style slide tone so I will be using a treblebooster almost 98% of the time. I prefer some headroom but I don't play metal so I don't need a headbangers bedroom dream.

I don't need effects, just something I can drive on the treble side and not get spiky. Does that make any sense? Any links/recs are accepted. I'm trying to stay on the cheaper side of things but I don't really have a crazy budget, however a 1000$ 5 watter won't be something I'm after, let's just say around 500 to 600.


Egnater Tweaker, Traynor Darkhorse or Vox Nighttrain should fit the bill.
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


If you've got $500-$600 to spend, you could get a used Univalve and use a low-wattage power tube.

Quote from: GermanCdn on June 02, 2014, 01:59:15 AM
Egnater Tweaker, Traynor Darkhorse or Vox Nighttrain should fit the bill.

These are also great suggestions.
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


I've got the Hughes & Kettner Tubemeister 5 which is great for blowing things up with the drive on. I think it's less good for clean and edge of breakup. It's still OK but not as good as the everything on 11 bit.

I've got the Marshall Class 5 which is really good clean and into just the start of overdrive. When you have the attenuator off, the maxed overdrive is great, but it ls loud for a 5 watt amp.  It starts to overdrive at around noon, but I think there is still plenty of volume lower than that to play with at home. With the attenuator engaged, I think the amp sounds a bit muffled or choked. I've done my own attenuator, which is easy for a 5 watt amp, to take the output to my computer where I do speaker emulation in digital. I can drive the thing fully maxed this way and I think it's a great Marshall sound.
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they may be slightly over your range now but a mesa boogie 5:25 is awesome and were going for around thbat a couple years ago.


New nighttrain combo looks pretty tasty.
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


Traynors are excellent value. Check out Blackstar stuff...they're made by ex-Marshall employees. My friend liked their stuff before he moved onto Bogner.

Contact this guy, he may be able to build you something...beautiful amps


I have a Blackheart 5 watt 12 inch combo that I am thinking of selling. It is a great sounding little amp. I replaced the stock transformer with a Hammond transformer and rerouted some of the wiring. It sounds really good and would fit your needs and be well within your budget. Let me know if you are interested.


An Epiphone VJr, with Negative Feedback mod would do it really well, you can get those amps for 100$ used, mod the hell out of it, put in a new output transformer, some really nice tubes and you're still under 300$.
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Tweaker is a great value for the style you are after.

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So your in an apartment?

Get something that has an emulated out (for some headphones) because a 5 watter in an apartment is still loud at night  ;)

Check out  a  Blackstar HT-5R, it has a great 2x12 or 4x12 emulated out, 2 channels (clean - dirty) and even has that extra ISF tone gimmic to sort of dial in your amp between british and american  (i'm assuming it's marshall to fender).

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.


Quote from: mjcyates on June 02, 2014, 04:48:27 AM
I have a Blackheart 5 watt 12 inch combo

This is an awesome budget amp.

The Epiphone Valve Jr. suggestion is also a good one. It's got the right power tubes for what you're after, and I found it to be on the dark side.


Quote from: GrindCustoms on June 02, 2014, 04:53:39 AM
An Epiphone VJr, with Negative Feedback mod would do it really well, you can get those amps for 100$ used, mod the hell out of it, put in a new output transformer, some really nice tubes and you're still under 300$.

I was actually coming back here to suggest exactly this. Get a VJ and add negative feedback. Tons of headroom and sounds good at lower volumes. Add a pentode/triode switch for slightly less loud output. Throw in a JJ EL844 and a 12AU7 also for slightly less loud output and more headroom (if needed). Can't beat the price and you could brag about having done the mods yourself.  ;)
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


I like the idea of the Valve Jr Jon, I might just add a tone control to it along with the other stuff suggested.

As far as the mods to the Valve Jr. in replacing the output transformer, any suggestions for a particular one?

Thanks for the tips guys! Lots of good stuff here


I recently traded for an Orange Tiny Terror and have since traded it on but I fell in love with that thing while I had it. Obviously higher gain is really it's thing but it can do a darker clean to edge of break up sound as well. The seven watt setting is pretty nice, I never really found myself flipping to 15 watts even though I could where I play. They are reasonably priced used and super common.