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Doppelganger Shoebox version build report

Started by Hangingmonkey, June 01, 2014, 09:46:28 PM

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Doppelganger, home etched PCB from Lacesensor's build docs.

Heres some pics:


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Any comment on the sound?

Good looking build.
Amusing points though are the frugal use of solder on the rotaries - if I were you I would solder the rest of the lugs, for stabilities sake, and the super random footswitches. You need another white washer :)


Thanks guys. Lace, yeah very true, I just got lazy with the soldering (I wasn't being stingy) but the stability is very good point, I didn't think of that.  The white washers will all be replaced with metal ones when I can find some.

I guess the build report was a bit no-frills, as for the sound... Awesome. I thought the HF span was subtle both in alanp's pcb and this one, how is it one your original?  It became more obvious when I did the 2k mod on the span pots. Also, it makes the LF span go from phasing to wah-ing which is kinda cool.  I used the futurlec spec'd LDR's.

I don't really use the color or blend pots, I just leave them maxed out.


Quote from: wgc on June 02, 2014, 01:40:37 AM
Awesome, love the red build too

Can't take the credit for that, my wife painted that one


Quote from: Hangingmonkey on June 02, 2014, 01:33:05 PM

I guess the build report was a bit no-frills, as for the sound... Awesome. I thought the HF span was subtle both in alanp's pcb and this one, how is it one your original?  It became more obvious when I did the 2k mod on the span pots. Also, it makes the LF span go from phasing to wah-ing which is kinda cool.  I used the futurlec spec'd LDR's.

I don't really use the color or blend pots, I just leave them maxed out.


Couple of points here:

1- the colour control is a resonance control that acts on the LF sweep only.
Therefore, if you keep it maxed, it does somewhat "drown out" the HF sweep. This is accentuated with the B2k span replacement. It is however accurate to the vintage unit. Therefore, try backing off the resonance control a bit. Maybe 2 o'clock.

2 - its easier to hear the effect of the LF and HF phasing while the LFO is swinging out of phase with each other. This is particularly the case in Dual LFO mode I find.

3 - with B1k spans you wont get massively deep phasing out of this pedal, it remains uni-vibey yet still awesome. I built one for a doppelganger fan and added the B2k spans and he was blown away. YMMV I guess.


that is one good looking build! also very clean inside for the amount of wiring necessary
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

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Quote from: LaceSensor on June 02, 2014, 06:16:30 PM
Quote from: Hangingmonkey on June 02, 2014, 01:33:05 PM

I guess the build report was a bit no-frills, as for the sound... Awesome. I thought the HF span was subtle both in alanp's pcb and this one, how is it one your original?  It became more obvious when I did the 2k mod on the span pots. Also, it makes the LF span go from phasing to wah-ing which is kinda cool.  I used the futurlec spec'd LDR's.

I don't really use the color or blend pots, I just leave them maxed out.


Couple of points here:

1- the colour control is a resonance control that acts on the LF sweep only.
Therefore, if you keep it maxed, it does somewhat "drown out" the HF sweep. This is accentuated with the B2k span replacement. It is however accurate to the vintage unit. Therefore, try backing off the resonance control a bit. Maybe 2 o'clock.

2 - its easier to hear the effect of the LF and HF phasing while the LFO is swinging out of phase with each other. This is particularly the case in Dual LFO mode I find.

3 - with B1k spans you wont get massively deep phasing out of this pedal, it remains uni-vibey yet still awesome. I built one for a doppelganger fan and added the B2k spans and he was blown away. YMMV I guess.

Thanks Lace, definitely food for thought. I'll give those settings a try.


also on the HF span, dont necessarily max it out, again especially with the B2K spans...


Thanks, tried some knob fiddling and can definitely hear the difference when I cut back on the colour as well as the hf span, I wouldn't have thought of that. Getting this pedal working has got me inspired to go back to my flange with no name build which I had shelved from last year. I'll dig that one up and see if I can get it working.