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Sunking2 gain control issue

Started by the3secondrule, May 27, 2014, 08:43:34 AM

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Finished up my sunking 2 today, it fired up straight away, but I noticed that when the gain control is all the way down, there is quite a bit of noise and oscillation. As it's turned up around 5/10%, there's a pop and the noise goes away. The noise is audible in bypass and where the effect is engaged.

Also, when switching between effect and bypass with the gain on 0, there's quite a distinct switch pop.

I saw someone posted about a similar issue with their kingslayer build too (I posted in their thread but though it might be more visible posted as a seperate thread).

The sunking is stock aside from the fat and thick mods which are switchable.

Any ideas, or has anyone come across this before? I've never had these issues with other klons I've built...
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