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Internal SPDT switch?

Started by ChrisNY, May 22, 2014, 02:18:40 PM

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I have a build that has options I don't think I will use often and would like to replace the SPDT with internal toggles. Jumpers are one option but has anyone done it with proper switches and if so what are they? I know a few commercial pedals have onboard switches but don't know what to look for.


Search for Dip switches. They are very common. Generally they are on/off with little sliders in a plastic housing.


How about these?

I don't need 50 but $6 shipped. Would be using them for Thick and Fat on the Kingslayer II.


Sure... if you have free space inside the enclosure, why not... they are indeed spdt, it's only a matter of size. Just isolate them well from everything.


Wow these worked out great. Perfect fit and very low profile. What to do with 48 extras, hmmm...