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buffer help on desing

Started by copachino, May 22, 2014, 12:57:58 AM

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hi, im here with my noob things, i have a problem with my eagle, my eagles its trolling me, so i cant draw a layout for a buffer a have, its a dual buffer, i have already make it on pcb, but i have added a few changes like input resistor for true bypass, and a dieode and capacitor to filter the supply, but my torlling eagle its not working propelly, somehow, it has joins the outputs, like out1 and the after that uot 2, and the ouput most be independent, so i dont know if someone can help me to finish the layout on eagle to uploaded for free on OASpark, or for etch a board
Affiliations: madbeanpedals fan and pedal porn lover....


Not sure I understand your issue but FYI you don't have a connection where nets cross unless you have a dot where the lines intersect.

If eagle is a problem it might be easier to try DIY PCB, its free and not bad to start with.  Eagle is fine, but I prefer the workflow in diptrace.
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


the main problem its that i have already worked so hard on my egale so i have a DRU for me and its fine to make my pedals, but its sometimes gets like a bich(jajaja) and makes crazy things, like that, and i you have a big schematic, its a pain in the ass recognize when the program its making wrong things
Affiliations: madbeanpedals fan and pedal porn lover....


Yeah, I know what you mean.

1. Always quicker the third time you do it.

2.  Like in songwriting, you have to be willing to kill your favorites for what they might become. 

Good luck!
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


Quote from: wgc on May 22, 2014, 03:20:29 AM
Not sure I understand your issue but FYI you don't have a connection where nets cross unless you have a dot where the lines intersect.

If eagle is a problem it might be easier to try DIY PCB, its free and not bad to start with.  Eagle is fine, but I prefer the workflow in diptrace.

look its the same sch, from above, but look at the results when i try to make the pcb.

Affiliations: madbeanpedals fan and pedal porn lover....


Now your problem is clearer.  Looks like you've got your outs connected to the ground net, probably because the caps are.  I'm guessing you copied the caps from elsewhere and the originals are connected?

Not sure how it works in eagle anymore, but you can probably right click on those nets and choose to disconnect from ground net
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


Quote from: wgc on May 22, 2014, 05:26:19 AM
Now your problem is clearer.  Looks like you've got your outs connected to the ground net, probably because the caps are.  I'm guessing you copied the caps from elsewhere and the originals are connected?

Not sure how it works in eagle anymore, but you can probably right click on those nets and choose to disconnect from ground net

i have rechecked, and the uptputs are not grounded, they are just joined together, not sure whats worng, but in cant draw it this way
Affiliations: madbeanpedals fan and pedal porn lover....


Sorry didn't mean ground necessarily just a common net.

In dip trace there is a way to right click, connect to a net via a list, and choose to hide the "wire"

There might be a similar thing going on here but I'm only guessing.

I'd probably delete those caps and connections to them and replace with fresh parts

Good luck
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


Quote from: wgc on May 23, 2014, 02:22:05 AM
Sorry didn't mean ground necessarily just a common net.

In dip trace there is a way to right click, connect to a net via a list, and choose to hide the "wire"

There might be a similar thing going on here but I'm only guessing.

I'd probably delete those caps and connections to them and replace with fresh parts

Good luck

Switch to DipTrace... (just kidding...well not really)

EAGLE: If you used the "COPY" function when creating your schematic it is quite possible that it copied the net names along with the parts.  This is not what you want as if the nets are the same, then the supply pins (OUT1 and OUT2) will now connect to each other as they are connected to the same net.  Go back in schematic and verify that the net names (wires) are different.  If they aren't, then manually change them to be so.  This should fix your issue.

In DipTrace (SCHEMATIC EDITOR), yes, there is a very easy way to connect to another net without using a wire.  I do this all the time when dropping my custom IN/GND/9V/OUT or +9V/GND pad parts.  Just right click on the pin (or net) and choose "connect to net".  There is a little check box says "connect without wire" and you are done.  Or in (PCB LAYOUT) you can manually drop a pad and connect by clicking or selecting the net you want (it helps to name your nets for the important stuff like +9V/GND/IN/OUT/ etc.. to make this easy to select by name). 

Not to confuse you, but DipTrace's "supply pins" (SCHEMATIC EDITOR) are actually "net ports" and do not rename the net for the first instance (unlike Eagle).  They simply connect each net together without a wire, and rename the subsequent net based off first instance you dropped.  So it is wise to say drop an "IN" supply pin, and name that first net "IN".  Or if you drop your first +9V supply pin, to name the net "+9V" and so on.  Next time you drop another supply pin it will name the connected net to what the first supply pin's net name is.

  DIY Guitar Pedal PCB projects!


thanks for the advice, look i had this problem before, and always always its when i invoke the supply of te IC, im not so sure why, but it must be a bug in my version of library o eagle
Affiliations: madbeanpedals fan and pedal porn lover....


Quote from: rullywowr on May 23, 2014, 02:57:36 PM
Quote from: wgc on May 23, 2014, 02:22:05 AM
Sorry didn't mean ground necessarily just a common net.

In dip trace there is a way to right click, connect to a net via a list, and choose to hide the "wire"

There might be a similar thing going on here but I'm only guessing.

I'd probably delete those caps and connections to them and replace with fresh parts

Good luck

Switch to DipTrace... (just kidding...well not really)

EAGLE: If you used the "COPY" function when creating your schematic it is quite possible that it copied the net names along with the parts.  This is not what you want as if the nets are the same, then the supply pins (OUT1 and OUT2) will now connect to each other as they are connected to the same net.  Go back in schematic and verify that the net names (wires) are different.  If they aren't, then manually change them to be so.  This should fix your issue.

In DipTrace (SCHEMATIC EDITOR), yes, there is a very easy way to connect to another net without using a wire.  I do this all the time when dropping my custom IN/GND/9V/OUT or +9V/GND pad parts.  Just right click on the pin (or net) and choose "connect to net".  There is a little check box says "connect without wire" and you are done.  Or in (PCB LAYOUT) you can manually drop a pad and connect by clicking or selecting the net you want (it helps to name your nets for the important stuff like +9V/GND/IN/OUT/ etc.. to make this easy to select by name). 

Not to confuse you, but DipTrace's "supply pins" (SCHEMATIC EDITOR) are actually "net ports" and do not rename the net for the first instance (unlike Eagle).  They simply connect each net together without a wire, and rename the subsequent net based off first instance you dropped.  So it is wise to say drop an "IN" supply pin, and name that first net "IN".  Or if you drop your first +9V supply pin, to name the net "+9V" and so on.  Next time you drop another supply pin it will name the connected net to what the first supply pin's net name is.

thanks all, i have manage to see the problem i was using the input and output, from the same library even if i invoke them appart, eagle take them as if they were the same fix them invoking pads, instead of in or outs, here its the pcb for anybody who want to etch it, i will make it this days and post the if it works fine.

im pretty bad at maths when electronics are involved, can anybody help me figure out the impedance of this? at the input and output...
Affiliations: madbeanpedals fan and pedal porn lover....