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Sunking II

Started by ChrisNY, May 18, 2014, 11:47:30 PM

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Not my best build but sounds fantastic. I had some grounding issues it gets tight with the switches. Ribbon cable was too flimsy considering all the hookups so I ended up useing thicker wire for the jacks and DC which cluttered it up a bit. Sounds great and love the enclosure from PPP.

Didn't do the clipping option. I have a ton of diodes to test with but have some old germaniums in there for now.


Very nice, great job.

I was using the couple hours I had today to populate mine. Fun build for sure.



Looks good!  Really need to start on mine.  What do you think of the Fat and Thick mods?


Quote from: Matt on May 19, 2014, 12:15:40 AM
Looks good!  Really need to start on mine.  What do you think of the Fat and Thick mods?

Can't really hear a difference yet on thick. I think fat might have blown the dinky speaker on my Blackstar HT-1R practice sampe  :o


What did you use for the 2- 1uf box caps? They look a little larger than your standard box cap.

Can you post a link to the ones you used please:). Pretty please:)!!


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Nice build, Mate! My Sunking just arrived and I'm trying to decide which mods to do. I think I'll socket a couple of caps and keep it simple, though as this is my first Klon build. Can't wait!

Quote from: sdlogan9 on May 22, 2014, 03:50:21 AM
What did you use for the 2- 1uf box caps? They look a little larger than your standard box cap.

Can you post a link to the ones you used please:). Pretty please:)!!


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

They look like the ones from Tayda, they are always a bit random.  I think they cut them up with a cheese slicer!



......or they could be from Smallbear :P


This build was bugging me mainly because the switches were too tight in the layout causing grounding issues with the input jack (you can see two-sided tape under it in the original gutshot). I decided the fat and thick mods were kind of fire-and-forget anyway so I got a new enclosure without the switches and used internal SPDTs for the mods. Glad I did. So much cleaner inside and the chrome enclosure is a nice touch.

I ended up re-housing my Kingslayer in the original enclosure so now I have two nice Klones. Time to A/B these guys.


Sorry to hear you had some trouble with the switches :( If you ever re-visit it, try it with these sub-miniature switches:

They go a long way toward opening up space. Plus, the are not as tall.

Builds look great!


No worries on the switches. The ones listed were sold out at Smallbear when I ordered parts but in the end I am happy having them as clipping switches on my Kingslayer.

Great design on the board BTW, sounds great! Worth the wait.

Mojo Fandangle

With the Internal SPDT's, I gather that it doesn't matter which way around you place them, yes no?
I might do the same thing for the one I'm building.
"If you don't do it yourself, no-one else will do it yourself"