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Dory + Squishy - Hamlet Tap Delay

Started by eldanko, May 14, 2014, 06:43:44 PM

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So it's been FOREVER since I posted something. Finally off the road for a couple of weeks. I've had this one sitting on my desk for a while, and finally found time to finish it. I give you...

Dory Delay 2014 Edition + Squishy Tap

I've used the Dory artwork for past delays, and my friends always seem to want them, so I was left Dory-less again after I sold my last one (a Neptune build). This one is a Hamlet build with an additional Taptation daughter board hidden underneath. I decided to make the tap external so that I wouldn't accidentally hit one switch when going for the other.

Hats off to Jon for another fantastic circuit. The voicing is great and I really love how tweakable the repeats are via the tone trimpot. The added buffer/boost circuit is really nice as well - it's likely going to live in the fx loop of my Naylor, so I'll try to report back with how it works there. I did some A/B'ing with the pedal in and out of the chain going into the amp, and found the onboard preamp to be extremely transparent and generally preferable to the dry signal due to the added buffering. I have mine set for the slightest boost over unity.

The only problem I ran into was some ticking that leaked into the signal path, probably due to me having to do longer wire runs to accommodate the top mounted jacks. I replaced the original in/out wires with shielded ones and it cleaned right up.

This one has earned a spot on my main gigging board, pictured below. Thanks again for the great project, guys! - Music, Builds, other nonsense


looks great as always, and the little LB tap tempo is actually a little cooler than if you had squeezed it into the box ...

... Okay, spill the beans on the second LED. Is it Brian's idea for the opposition LED on Pins 7/8 for a tempo indicator? Or are you carrying the tempo on the tap jack somehow?


What a brilliant application! I think this is the first time I've seen external tap utilizing a Taptation board, and I think it's awesome.

I think it's possible to have a switch onboard AND do an external jack as well.

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Quote from: midwayfair on May 14, 2014, 06:51:11 PM
looks great as always, and the little LB tap tempo is actually a little cooler than if you had squeezed it into the box ...

... Okay, spill the beans on the second LED. Is it Brian's idea for the opposition LED on Pins 7/8 for a tempo indicator? Or are you carrying the tempo on the tap jack somehow?

Thanks for the kind words, sir! The second LED (on the right) is a tempo indicator (the tapped tempo, not the division tempo), and was built into the JMK daughter board. Judging by the schem, looks like he's taking that off of pin 5, but I'll let Jacob answer that one for sure.

Quote from: jkokura on May 14, 2014, 06:52:07 PM
I think it's possible to have a switch onboard AND do an external jack as well.

Yes, I actually considered this! Nevertheless, I end up hitting switches accidentally during shows enough as it is, so I thought it best to separate the two  ;) - Music, Builds, other nonsense


Quote from: eldanko on May 14, 2014, 06:59:39 PMand was built into the JMK daughter board

Oh, okay. Somehow I missed that you had the taptation PCB in there (maybe because it's made out of invisible ink?); I thought it was in the tap tempo box.


Missed your builts Dane, looking super good! :)

Really like how you have laid the delay pcb over the Taptation module and industrial footswitch, clever. 8)
Killing Unicorns, day after day...

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Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Cooool man!!! Hey, where can i find such a small little enclosure? loved the idea!
If i fart a lot,  it means that i'm a Gas expert ?


Quote from: Gledison on May 15, 2014, 03:01:24 PM
Cooool man!!! Hey, where can i find such a small little enclosure? loved the idea!

Both enclosures came from PedalPartsPlus. Love that Snuffer Water finish, although I don't know what "Snuffer Water" means.

Rocked this thing at rehearsal yesterday and at a gig tonight. Fantastic. I've got the tone dialed *just* analogue-y enough to make some nice trailing swells and pads, but still bright enough for rhythmic patterns. Sits in a mix perfectly, and the preamp is dead quiet in the fx loop of the amp. This is a seriously great box. - Music, Builds, other nonsense


I bet you get the same strange look I do when other players have a gander at your pedal board.
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Rad, rad, RAD! I love what you did with both boxes, and your board looks awesome. Nice to see another Turbo Tuner believer too!


Thanks for the complements on the circuit, by the way. It really is an honor to have *two* of my circuits earn a spot on that board, especially considering all the pedals you've made over the years and your exacting sonic standards. :)