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New Poindexter PCB doesn't match the instructions?

Started by jv1234, April 09, 2011, 02:23:10 PM

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Ok, just got my brand new Poindexter PCB in the mail yesterday and I'm populating the board right now... actually I'm done populating but here's the thing-

There is no R26 on the new board. But it is shown on the instructions. Is this a big deal? It's a 4k7 resistor, and I have it, but I'm guessing it was removed from the circuit? Please advise.

There is also no "SW" spot on the board but I think I know how to deal with that, no big deal, but it may be slightly confusing for some to see a slightly different PCB pictured in the wiring diagram. Actually maybe I don't know what to do about this... hmmm....


Looks like it was just the CLR resistor for the LED.


The LED circuitry is not on the new version, so please wire your LED off board.

Also, C11 should be reversed from what the package drawing illustrates on the board. This was an error on my part.

I'm working on finishing the documentation right now for the Poindexter and the others. I plan to have most of them up today.

Sorry for the delay.


Wow, okay well I just built it and it sounds pretty fucking awesome. But I oriented all the electrolytic caps just like the PCB said I should. So I need to unsolder and reverse C11? Great.


It actually works either way in that position. You can leave it as is. I built mine with it backwards, too and it works great. But, after reviewing the schematic I realized that it actually should be the other way around (plus side towards highest voltage), so I will be putting a note about that in the project document.


Yeah it did sound great either way but I like it even better with the cap corrected. No big deal.

But here's the problem - I just fried my LED by wiring it up wrong. Any hints on how to wire it up correctly? I connected the short leg of the LED to the "SW" lug on the 3PDT switch (per your Poindexter PDF on your page) but then I wired the long leg to the 9V+ connection on the board. It burned it up good. I have a spare LED but how should I wire it so it works properly? I have used the exact same wiring diagram as your Poindexter PDF file, but right now the "SW" lug has the short leg of the LED connected to it, and the long leg is connected to nothing because I don't know where to connect it. Help? Thanks.


The LED needs a resistor in series with I in order to keep it from burning out. Try a 4.7k resistor. This is called a current limiting resistor, or CLR for short.

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Bean has a diagram for the off board wiring of an LED in the General Wiring diagrams thread.  Is this what you need?  BTW, if you're using a really bright led I would recommend 10k rather than 4k7 for the clr.

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Yeah I figured that the resistor was needed. Not sure why I thought it would be okay to omit it. I think I thought it was for eliminating the "pop" when the switch was engaged. Ah well, live and learn. Will rewire properly this time. Heh. Thanks. AWESOME pedal.