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Thunderpuss LED- first build

Started by Guybrush, April 09, 2011, 08:52:21 AM

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Hi everyone.
I've been lurking around theses parts for a while and have finally decided to have a go at a build. I chose the Thunderpuss as it seems one of the simpelst ones to put together. I've got a couple of questions that I was hoping someone could answer.
1-Is there anyway to wire an LED to the board so I can see when it's 'on'.
2-On the circuit diagram- what is the off board component on the left of the picture in-between the battery and the 2nd jack socket. I'm sure I'm just being thick but I can't figure out what it is meant to be.

Can't wait to get building!
Thanks in advance.


This will answer all your questions!!:

You can use this standardised wiring diagram for all your builds from now on!

Its a link off the Projects page, upper right hand corner.

Hope that makes sense.


Also i congratulate you for choosing a nice and easy (but still awesome) build, instead of jumping straight into a sunking or something similar! Your chance of success is already above average ;)


For question #2)

That is the DC 2.1mm power jack.

By the way....there are no stupid questions around here, this is a helpful place  ;)

Contract PCB designer


Thanks guys that's all great! Can't believe I haven't seen that standardised wiring diagram link before. I'm sure it will be a great help.
Of course, a power jack!
Thanks again.