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Yellow Shark and Slow Loris

Started by brucer, May 10, 2014, 05:40:59 AM

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Just so I'm not only posting in the tech support forum!

A couple of recent builds:

Madbean Yellow Shark


I'm SUPER happy with this pedal.  I built it a couple of months ago on a PCB by Haberdasher and I play it all the time.  I'm still blown away that I built a pedal and it worked.  The original is described as sounding and reacting like small vintage combo with nicely worn tubes and speakers.  I've gotta say, I've got a reproduction late-40's National Supreme amp that breaks up like bliss with a clean boost in front and this sounds even better!  Highly recommended!!

Madbean Slow Loris


Ever wondered what all the fuss was about Rats?  Build this.  It's awesome.  It's crazy.  It's flexible.  It's everything they say and more: overdrive through distortion goodness.  It's fun in a box!!  Seriously, I can't play this without grinning.  I don't think it's just me.


Very nice builds. I am in love with that color of the Honey Bee enclosure. Please tell me that was a rattle can paint you used.. please. lol

Great Job



Hey Cody.  Thanks.  Funny thing for me to say, but the photos don't do either pedal justice.

The Honey Bee is in a "Bomber Orange" 1590B from Mammoth.  It's a really nice finish. Even better in the flesh.


That hb colour and graphics are pimp


Quote from: brucer on May 10, 2014, 06:16:45 AM
The Honey Bee is in a "Bomber Orange" 1590B from Mammoth.  It's a really nice finish. Even better in the flesh.

Damn, I was hoping you would not say that. I use a lot of metal flake / metallic paint and I know what you mean, nothing beats seeing it in person.

Thanks for the info


That Rat looks great!
Love the green and black knobs, looks great
The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.


Both look really sweet. I like the color of the honey bee a lot. Super clean wiring too, keep the builds coming!

  DIY Guitar Pedal PCB projects!


Quote from: rullywowr on May 10, 2014, 05:41:33 PM
Both look really sweet. I like the color of the honey bee a lot. Super clean wiring too, keep the builds coming!

+1.  What he said!


Those are really classy! I'd rock 'em both for sure. Great work.
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


Very nice!  I love my rat, you're not alone
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


Great work mate, love the little rat head in the A  :)


Kinki fuzz

Great work! Agree about the RAT, awesome distortion

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