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Nautilus problems

Started by Kipper4, May 05, 2014, 07:40:43 PM

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Hi guys
I've just built the nautilus on an etched pcb and all I hear is distortion no bwow wow. Lots of boo hoo. Haha
I double checked for resistor values
I can't see any bridges.
I probed it but it only passes clean signal or distorted depending on rotary switch position.
So I'll throw out the voltages and see if anyone can spot anything
Thanks guys

1.  9.18v (same as power supply)
2.  4.76
3.  0
4. -  4.1
5.  - 8.57
6.   5.35
7.   7.53
8.   9.18


1.  6.32.       8.    -6.97
2.  -0.35.      9.   6.24
3.  -0.35.      10.  0
4.   9.18.       11.  -8.57
5.   0.            12. 0
6.   0.            13.  0
7.   0.           14.    -7

1.   0.          8.   6.92
2.   0.          9.     3.04
3.   0.         10.    3.6
4.   9.18.    11.     -8.52
5.   0.         12.    0
6.   0.         13.    0
7.   0.         14.     0.29


Does your envelope indicator LED light up (or go dark) when you play? If not, check that you're generating a control voltage in the envelope. If you do, verify that your vactrols are in correctly (against the schematic) and measure the resistance on the LDR side to verify that their resistance drops. That should narrow down the problem since you have audio.


Brilliant idea.
Thanks Jon. It turns out I was getting no rise in resistance when strumming.
The tech was a limitless than perfect and one side of the actor's ldr was going to ground hence the lack of change in resistance.
All sorted now. Playtime.
I've always wanted a neutron type pedal.
I might try the naughty fish later when I'm done with my next build. Which is the currant lover.
Thanks for the help mate


I'm going for it. Just ordered 2 naughty fish boards.