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Waterslide Inkjet Issue

Started by peAk, April 21, 2014, 03:04:59 PM

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I am having an issue every once in a while where you can see the ink on the edge of the decal is getting rubbed off some when I go to put it on the enclosure. Is this a result of not enough clear coat on the decal or a timing issue with the decal in the water?

This has only happened to me a few times but it's super annoying when it happens.


Inkjet waterslides are super finicky.  It's probably not enough clear coat on the decal.   Water gets in and smudges the ink. I've moved to self adhesive inkjet decals based on Juansolo's great tutorial and been way happier (and less stressed)!

  DIY Guitar Pedal PCB projects!


Do you have a link to that tutorial? Or is this the tutorial where he shows the envirotex stuff? (Sorry, at work and things are blocked)

How do you readjust a self adhesive decal? Seems like it wouldn't be hard with a small pedal but maybe a PITA with a large one where many things must line up?


Are you clear coating before or after you cut out the decal?  If before, the water can seep in the edge since it isn't sealed.
Contract PCB designer


Quote from: peAk on April 21, 2014, 03:44:17 PM
Do you have a link to that tutorial? Or is this the tutorial where he shows the envirotex stuff? (Sorry, at work and things are blocked)


Quote from: gtr2 on April 21, 2014, 03:51:52 PM
Are you clear coating before or after you cut out the decal?  If before, the water can seep in the edge since it isn't sealed.

Yep, before.

It's just strange because it doesn't happen all the time. Just every so often.

Well, that's great. I will cut the decal then apply the clearcoat.

Thanks for the help.


I would normally clear coat before I cut. I too would run into this as well but I would say 95% of the time I didn't. If I put enough clear coat on there when I would come back and cut with the scissors the cutting process typically pinches the clear coat down over the edge if you will.

I will say however I almost never used a border though. Mine was a pic of something and if it ran on the edge I wiped it and you never knew meaning not enough ink came off the pic to where you would notice anything. I also put my decals right up the edges of the enclosure.

At any rate, I have cut them and then clear coated. Hopefully it won't curl up on you. If it does and dries when you go to stretch it out it might crack the clear coat as you are now stretching it out. Ask me how I know.

It seems like no matter what route you take there is an inherent risk in finishing these darn pedals.


Can't avoid boxing them anymore... too many circuits waiting in line...


make sure it's really really dry. the clear coat on the decal I mean, but still it drives me nuts so I've given up on waterslides.

this seams to work well, that is if your wife doesn't see you using her favorite iron.
my lab loves fuzz


Quote from: ian_guga on April 22, 2014, 11:25:50 PM
make sure it's really really dry. the clear coat on the decal I mean, but still it drives me nuts so I've given up on waterslides.

this seams to work well, that is if your wife doesn't see you using her favorite iron.

My wife would pass out if she saw an iron in my hand at all  :P


Just to update....

I tried Josh's suggestion with clear coating AFTER you cut the decal to the desired size and it worked the second time around. I guess most of the time I get lucky with the scissors pinching the decal enough to not let water seep in like John mentioned.

All this being said, I can't wait for the day I don't have to deal with waterslide anymore. I have some clear sticker paper coming in this week and hopefully this will be better.


Quote from: peAk on April 23, 2014, 03:29:04 PM
Just to update....

I tried Josh's suggestion with clear coating AFTER you cut the decal to the desired size and it worked the second time around. I guess most of the time I get lucky with the scissors pinching the decal enough to not let water seep in like John mentioned.

All this being said, I can't wait for the day I don't have to deal with waterslide anymore. I have some clear sticker paper coming in this week and hopefully this will be better.
Nice, glad it worked out. Clear sticker paper is great. The only thing which is still a drag is that you can't really use the "wet application" method like you can with professional vinyl (the ink will run if it gets wet).

  DIY Guitar Pedal PCB projects!