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Gibson Maestro Fuzz Tone

Started by PhiloB, April 04, 2014, 03:27:59 AM

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Buddy of mine has a Maestro Fuzz -1A, meaning it runs on (1) AA battery.  He wants to be able to plug a standard 9v adapter to power it.  Could I use the Road Rage to convert the power to appropriate -9V and then use the Beavis Audio dying battery simulator to get to the 1.5V needed ?

Is there a better way to drop the voltage to 1.5V?


Have you thought about suggesting building him a Maestro clone that you can use a road rage or other voltage divider to get down to 1.5V? Rather than mod a really cool old vintage unit, it might be easier to build a new version in a 1590B for him.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
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THis and then some. You really don't want to modify that circuit at all. And AA's are so filthy cheap....
head solder jockey, part time cook: cranky&jaded


I questioned him on wanting to modify this unit.  He's talking about removing the hard wired cable as well.  He mentioned not liking the tone (losing a lot of low end).  This might be a good point to argue for building a clone and changing the filtering cap.


Quote from: PhiloB on April 04, 2014, 03:40:37 AM
I questioned him on wanting to modify this unit.  He's talking about removing the hard wired cable as well.  He mentioned not liking the tone (losing a lot of low end).  This might be a good point to argue for building a clone and changing the filtering cap.

Yes please.

I don't think he realizes exactly what that thing is worth.

head solder jockey, part time cook: cranky&jaded


His isn't nearly as pristine but you make a great argument none the less $$$



Make him two.

Voltage divider to get 1.5v
Z (500k)
   --------- 1.5v
Z (100k)

use a 1M and 500k for the 3v Version.

He'll thank you later.
head solder jockey, part time cook: cranky&jaded


If he doesn't like the tone...

Sell it and build him something he does like!

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


I left him a message before bed last night and woke up to question about a clone.  Sounds like he's entertaining it.  I'm thinking he wanted to have that pedal on his board, for conversation sake maybe.  I shared the eBay listings$.  It'd be hard to argue with that.
So to drop the voltage would be a matter of fixed resistors?  Next question would be, which would be a 'better' choice? 3v or 1.5v?  3V for more headroom;)

You guys have been a real help, thanks!


Timbo did one that runs on a power supply if you can find it. It was probably a year ago.


Here's the link to that thread:
But most importantly:

So this uses 1n914's to get the voltage down to -1.5vdc from the charge pump and it was the best way I could find to do it after a lot of breadboarding.
Sunday Musical Instruments LLC.
Sunday Handwound Pickups



Hey Timbo, I didn't see the vero layout referenced in the other thread.  Do you still have that available?