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Question about guitar interfaces

Started by HailToTheBlues, March 23, 2014, 05:23:51 PM

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I personally would stay away from the M Audio.

I think the Audiobox is an awesome choice, but my preference for Presonus gear is only about my familiarity. I think the Focusrite stuff is probably great also.

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The "cheapest-best" is this one

I work in a music store and we sell a bunch of these
..and it comes often with a basic version of Cubase
Jonny Rock the "French Canadian"

Affiliation : Jonny Rock Gear


Quote from: HailToTheBlues on March 27, 2014, 10:03:48 PM
I'm currently comparing three interfaces: m-audio fast track pro, Audio box Usb and Focusrite Scarlett 2i2. So which one of those would be the best option? Are there better options than those? Tell me what you think :D

The Focusrite will probably have the best converters out of the three.


I'm sort of thinking that it's be hard to go wrong with a focusrite preamp too.


Yeah, i was also leaning more towards the focusrite. So if i don't find any better option, i will get the focusrite :) the music store where i usually buy my stuff, sells them, so finding it won't be a problem :D
Thanks for all the replies, you helped me a lot!


Just a small heads up:

Apparently the 2i2 has clipping/gain problems if you plug your guitar directly into it. It should be fine if you mic your amp. Not all people report the problem, but you can google around for "2i2 clipping" and read some forums.

back when I was researching an interface for myself the above was the only thing that was detracting me. But since I was going to mic my amp its all fine


Quote from: ddog on March 28, 2014, 10:30:33 PM
Just a small heads up:

Apparently the 2i2 has clipping/gain problems if you plug your guitar directly into it. It should be fine if you mic your amp. Not all people report the problem, but you can google around for "2i2 clipping" and read some forums.

Even my sheraton only clips it in the last 10% of the knob's rotation. Microphones clip it a heck of a lot earlier than that. :/


From what I read is that it's not the normal inherent clipping, its a defect in the model. The gain knob doesn't lower the gain as much as it should on line/inst (I forgot which one). The microphone gain works fine. The issue seemed fixed on the 2i4 as it had the pad switch. Apparently using a DI box also helps on the 2i2 model

I dunno if its a widespread issue, I hear plenty of people use the 2i2 on youtube without any clipping


I've heard about that problem, and the guy said that using a di box would help, does someone recommend that? If yes, which one would do the job?


I'd try it out without a DI box first, no need in buying something you might not need :D



I'm about to put down on an 18i8.  I think having 4 mic pres lets me have just that little bit more flexibility, even though I use Jamstix for my drums these days.


The 18i8 is very cool, but of course, way above my price range. Hope you have luck with it :D


Maybe i should start another topic for this question, but as this one is still open, i'll post right here.

I'm also willing to buy my first mic, but as i am a begginner in sorts of things, i have to ask for opinions.
I'm looking at the shure sm57, read that it is a very good and versatile mic, and i'm also looking at a audio technica at2020, don't know about that one, but also read that it is very good for the price. Any better options?


Quote from: HailToTheBlues on March 29, 2014, 01:26:12 PM
Maybe i should start another topic for this question, but as this one is still open, i'll post right here.

I'm also willing to buy my first mic, but as i am a begginner in sorts of things, i have to ask for opinions.
I'm looking at the shure sm57, read that it is a very good and versatile mic, and i'm also looking at a audio technica at2020, don't know about that one, but also read that it is very good for the price. Any better options?

Mic for what?  Guitar?  Vocals?  I work for Sennheiser so of course I am biased lol. For guitar I would recommend the e906 (made in Germany with a 10 year warranty in the USA). Hard to beat that. Any questions about mics or techniques and I am happy to answer them.

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