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Pharaoh NOW with faceplate sizing tips

Started by billstein, March 22, 2014, 06:09:59 AM

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rullywowr's King Tut. Stock. This is a very cool and very versatile Big Muff circuit.

The graphics are a waterslide decal over the copper on a PCB then Envirotexed. The photo loses how nice this looks with the copper shining through the decal. I will definitely return to this method again.

Anyway hope you like it.


Because a few of you asked how I size the Faceplate to fit the enclosures I thought it would be easier to explain with some photos.

First I print out the design and tape it to the copper clad. This is flipped because it is the same art that is used for etching. All I'm doing here is using it to determine how big I need to cut the FR4. Then I use heavy duty scissors. This is why I like the thin 1 oz. FR4 because it cuts easily.

At this point I cut it bigger than I need. No need to be to precise here.

Here it is after it is etched. Notice the outside black area is not accurate.

I tape a drilling template to the enclosure that matches the artwork for etching then center punch the holes and use a drill press.

Here is the etched faceplate and the drilled enclosure.

Get some bolts and nuts. I usually use 4 (even though 3 are pictured).

Bolt the faceplate onto the enclosure.

Then sand until the faceplate and the enclosure are flush.

There you have it. I hope this helps.

Oh and don't do what I did. I had to redo this faceplate because I did the knobs backwards.  :'(
I liked the second effort better so that's alright.


WOW!!!   :o :o :o

This looks stunning! Yet another technique I would NEVER have thought of on my own. I guess I'm not really cut out for this diy business but I'll gladly stealborrow this idea very soon.  ;D

I'm guessing the faceplate isn't glued to the enclosure? Just held in place with pots and switches?


Thanks. Yep, the faceplate is held on with the pots and washers


Any chance you'd share your graphics files?  ;)


Quote from: muddyfox on March 22, 2014, 07:12:14 AM

Any chance you'd share your graphics files?  ;)

Sure. I won't be able to do it until tomorrow after work when I can get back onto my regular computer.


Thanks much! Absolutely no rush, whenever you get around doing it!



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Wow, speechless mate, a work of art. I think this is the first time i've seen this process used, very impressive  :)


quite impressive. and you cant go wrong with gold, in my book...hehe
the insides are perfection too, damnit man you do such nice work! - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Looks awesome.  Cool idea


Wow, that's really pretty.
Great idea.
The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.


Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


This looks really good. A really fine pedal.
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This is art. I hardly ever saw anything like it. This one is exceptionally awesome. Keep them coming.
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

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