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mayo voltages please on mudbunny

Started by rcz53, March 20, 2014, 11:50:46 PM

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wanting to check voltages on my mayo/mudbunny build. trannys q3 and q4 have to be reversed or the sound is gated. I'm using BC 550c's which have a different pinout than the 2N5088 so Q1 and Q2 are installed flipped 180 degrees but the weird part is q3 and 4 are installed as per the silk screen indication on the board. The sound is pretty good but I fear something is a miss. What are the suggested voltages please.


That is strange. Can you tell me your voltages on the Q3 and Q4 transistors? Are they socketed? Have you tried putting in any other transistor there, such as a 2n5088?

I checked my Eagle file and the transistor pinouts are correct for sure.


Thanks madbean... Issue is resolved. I had a 100k resistor instead of 10k as intended at R22. Circuit sounds great and yes the transistors are socketed so now I can try the  5088's too! Thanks for a very cool forum and projects.
best regards