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"Best" Capacitor types for pedals (is there really a difference)?

Started by fman7, March 19, 2014, 05:37:53 AM

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looking to start a few new projects and am wondering which cap types to buy?

Is it worth spending the extra $$ on Wima or similar type caps, or just stick with the run of the mill kinds/

thanks in advance!



Here is a recent thread with lots of opinions and info on typical caps we use.

The most important thing is to make sure the lead spacing is correct IMO. Most projects use 5mm spacing these days. I would say you will be fine buying any of the caps mentioned in the thread. If you are not buying in bulk the price points can differ between brands and suppliers. If you are fortunate enough to find all the parts for your build at 1 supplier then go with what they have for a reasonable price unless you are stocking up. If you are stocking up I wouldn't get too hung up on Wima because of their "superior" quiality. IMO this is a perceived notion in part due to their hefty price tag. That said, they look great and some values at some vendors are ok; especially if you are only buying a couple. I personally like the Panasonic ECQ-V caps for aesthetic reasons, but don't think they offer any sonic advantage. I also like them because they are cheap in bulk and small form factor...


My favourite is mylar film and electrolytic caps but it's personal preference. Don't forget  that its mainly about value and size.
Guitar is love, guitar is life.


Also socket your electrolytic caps as this helps if you quickly want to swap them out. I just stick to the makes that are reliable
Guitar is love, guitar is life.


Quote from: aran.e666 on March 19, 2014, 08:17:24 AM
Also socket your electrolytic caps as this helps if you quickly want to swap them out. I just stick to the makes that are reliable

Ă„hem, as electrolytic caps already have a decent height and some weight it is NOT recommended to socket them. They have a lifespan of >10 years at least in power sections, far more in the signal way.

Quote from: aran.e666 on March 19, 2014, 08:12:43 AM
My favourite is mylar film and electrolytic caps but it's personal preference. Don't forget  that its mainly about value and size.

In newer BOMs you will find the type of cap needed (ceramic, boxfilm, electrolytic). There is usually a reason if a specific cap type is mentioned. The brand may be your personal preference.
DIY-PCBs and projects:


Quote from: aran.e666 on March 19, 2014, 08:17:24 AM
Also socket your electrolytic caps as this helps if you quickly want to swap them out. I just stick to the makes that are reliable

Socketting any part requires far more than just "it might be slightly inconvenient to replace it." Parts fall out of sockets, which is a heck of a lot more inconvenient than replacing one if it goes bad in 10, 20, or 50 years. This is much more likely to happen when you're forced to bend over the electrolytic because it's now sticking up an extra 5mm from the PCB.

Quote from: aran.e666 on March 19, 2014, 08:12:43 AM
My favourite is mylar film and electrolytic caps but it's personal preference. Don't forget  that its mainly about value and size.

This is bad shopping advice. Mylar film -- "greenies" -- unlike box caps are not of uniform length, width, or height. Box caps on the other hand are essentially standard through-hole parts that will fit nearly every PCB and are typically the same lead spacing as most standard 50V ceramic capacitors and MLCC caps. A 100nF greenie is about twice as big in every dimension as the same size of a box cap of the same value. A 1uF mylar film would be unusably large. They also tend to be much higher tolerance (20% instead of 5%). About the only thing going for them is that they're slightly cheaper, but that really doesn't do any good if they don't fit on the PCB.