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Love squeeze mods?

Started by Matt, March 19, 2014, 02:15:17 AM

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Anyone know of any mods for the Rothwell Love Squeeze? 

Thanks in advance!


Quote from: Dc10 on March 19, 2014, 02:15:17 AM
Anyone know of any mods for the Rothwell Love Squeeze? 

Thanks in advance!

Vary the resistor to ground in the second half of the op amp -- now it's a threshold control. (This is essentially what the Bearhug's compression control is.) You can vary the threshold to get more compression without cranking the ratio pot, so you don't have to overdrive the LED limiter at the higher compression settings.

Vary the 220 nF to ground -- now it's a frequency-specific threshold.

Vary the 22R in the second op amp - attack control. Time is that resistor in parallel with the decay resistor. 10K would be 100mS. The attack is almost immediate right now, even more so because of the LED limiter in the feedback loop of the first op amp.

Vary the 10K in parallel with the hold cap in the envelope section -- decay control. (This is the what the switch in the bearhug does.) It's set at 100mS stock. If you go up to 100K, you will get a full second of decay.


Quote from: midwayfair on March 19, 2014, 02:28:54 AM
Quote from: Dc10 on March 19, 2014, 02:15:17 AM
Anyone know of any mods for the Rothwell Love Squeeze? 

Thanks in advance!

Vary the resistor to ground in the second half of the op amp -- now it's a threshold control. (This is essentially what the Bearhug's compression control is.) You can vary the threshold to get more compression without cranking the ratio pot, so you don't have to overdrive the LED limiter at the higher compression settings.

Vary the 220 nF to ground -- now it's a frequency-specific threshold.

Vary the 22K in the second op amp - attack control. Time is that resistor in parallel with the decay resistor. 10K would be 100mS. The attack is almost immediate right now, even more so because of the LED limiter in the feedback loop of the first op amp.

Vary the 10K in parallel with the hold cap in the envelope section -- decay control. (This is the what the switch in the bearhug does.) It's set at 100mS stock. If you go up to 100K, you will get a full second of decay.

first of all, thanks Jon for the quick reply.  I have a couple questions if you dont mind.

i included the link to the schematic that I was looking at.

1: is this R10?

2: 220nf i got that one

3: I dont see a 22k in the schematic

4:  the 10k you are refering to here is R11 if Im seeing that right.


1) Yep.

3) Woops, 22R. R9 in that schematic.
4) Correct. You'll see that sort of capacitor and resistor setup in a lot of compressors. The resistor drains off voltage from the capacitor (which stores it) at a fixed time constant.


Quote from: midwayfair on March 20, 2014, 01:32:25 AM
1) Yep.

3) Woops, 22R. R9 in that schematic.
4) Correct. You'll see that sort of capacitor and resistor setup in a lot of compressors. The resistor drains off voltage from the capacitor (which stores it) at a fixed time constant.

Cool, thanks again for your help Jon!


Hey Matt.. did you end up implementing these mods on the Love Squeeze layout from Sabro's website? The love squeeze is a great compressor.. one of the few original designs out there.. and with more control over signal manipulation this comp would be one of the best out there too.

If anyone has tried out any or all of these mods I would love to hear your feedback.



i too am looking to mod this pedal but im sitting at my breadboard with an incomplete circuit information. first of all what is VA and VB in the circuit? and what do they represent? i understand that they are voltage sources but what are the voltages? im looking to implement 3 of the 4 mods listed in this post but before i can proceed i need to get the love squeeze working pre mods lol. any help would be a godsend at this moment.


Hi! After building the stock unit time ago I'd like to try some of this mods  :)

For the threshold mod, I'd change R10 (10k) for a 20k pot so when it's at noon it would be stock. More resistance means higher threshold?

About the attack mod I'm a little confused because John suggested to change R9 (22R) and that's exactly what Pickdropper did with his mod. Pickdrooper used a 250k pot instead of that 22R resistor, which looks too much at first sight. And for what the reviews that I've read it doesn't really feel as an attack pot. Any idea?

Any help is welcome!