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Tips on degooping?

Started by mattlee0037, March 18, 2014, 01:19:17 AM

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So I've got a pedal in front of me and honestly, this is a lot of fun trying to degoop this. I've mostly been using manual methods of tiny scissors and fingernails which has worked fairly well, but I'm not sure how well this will do for the board. Any tips?


Ended up getting it done actually! I probably should have been doing something else, but I've got the whole pedal ungooped! ;D The only thing now to deduce are some scratched off capacitor codes, but for that I'll need to order a new multimeter. Plenty of time to do that while I make some eagle files for this soon 8)


  DIY Guitar Pedal PCB projects!


I don't know how 'kosher' it is because I've never degooped something, but it's a really cool fuzz box! I feel like it's been degooped before, but maybe respect for the builder held the schematics? Not completely sure honestly. I'm just proud it still works perfectly!


Haberdasher turned me on to this capacitance meter kit. $10! Mine is supposed to show up tomorrow.


Nice! I'm picking up that recommended multimeter and capacitance kit right now!


Got the capacitance meter this afternoon and it works great! I need to box it up still.

Here it is with the light turned away. Even using 220r resistors the LEDs are kind of dim.