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some dumb noob questions and I cant see the part values (blury schematic)

Started by aran.e666, March 16, 2014, 09:22:32 AM

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Ok hey guys again so ive decided to make the funk machine v2  but the schematic is blury so I cant do much. Anyways I was wondering on the schenatic it says that the input is lug 3 on the potentiometer so where does the input go. Also it says 1&2 on some of the controls. Does this mean I use the wire to link lug 1&2 on the pot? Thanks  :D
Guitar is love, guitar is life.


Also I forgot to mention that I don't know which way the electrolytic caps go  :'(
Guitar is love, guitar is life.


"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


So it looks like it's the layout form tagboardeffects  here
Lugs 1 & 2 are connected together on the Fequency pot.
I found some schematics on a google search and it looks like the input connects to BOTH the board and lug 3 of the depth pot.    To say it another way.. 2 wires from jack tip, one goes to board, the other goes to lug 3.

Here's a little bigger image to help with the values

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.


Thank you so much that is a great help. Il get ordering parts when im done with my other board
Guitar is love, guitar is life.


You seem to be all set, as long as you don't forget that your vero has one extra column!  ;D


I know lol I put that there incase I need say another ground or if stuff gets too tight
Guitar is love, guitar is life.


Quote from: aran.e666 on March 16, 2014, 09:22:32 AMthe schematic is blury

Search circuit name, go to images, click "more" under the search box, sort by black and white and resolution.

Also, there's no need to upload an image to the Madbean board, which has limited bandwidth and storage, when you are using a picture of a layout that is hosted on a well-travelled site like Tagboard Effects. Use the image tags. If you don't know the coding necessary, click on the "Help" button just under your profile picture, and it has a menu for everything you could need for the coding used on this forum software.


Thanks midwayfair. Btw I checked out your band page. Its awsome (to say I listen to heavy metal that is really sweet music!
Guitar is love, guitar is life.


Guitar is love, guitar is life.


I prefer wiring the jacks on the outer poles and the LED with the center row but it's really a matter of preference.


I just wire up a dpdt switch asvi can't find the 3pdt switch  :'(
Guitar is love, guitar is life.