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iTead Gerber Question????

Started by Stomptown, March 15, 2014, 02:41:57 AM

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iTead updated their Cam file used to generate the gerbers since the last order I placed and I'm a little unsure how to move forward. I generated the gerbers and went to drag the files they need for a 2-sided PCB and one of the files they say they need is not there (Outline layer: pcbname.GKO). My gut tells me to just send them all of the files generated by the CAM but I really don't feel like finding out I'm wrong in the middle of next week. Any advice?

Thanks in advance!


They say different things on the prototype vs small batch pages. GKO is meant for board outline, as I understand it. But, this is already contained in at least two of the other Gerbers.

The ones I send them are GBL, GBO, GBS, GTL, GTO, GTS, and TXT.

You can check them with gerbV to verify your board outline is in there:


Thanks Brian! Can't wait to start prototyping...  :D