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What to pair a Shin-Ei FY-2 with?

Started by Jefe, March 14, 2014, 04:16:27 PM

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Hey all, this is my first real post here - Some of you know me from BYOC & DIYSB. I thought I'd pose this particular question to this forum, because why not?

I've got a modded Shin-Ei Companion FY-2 fuzz on the breadboard & I'm getting ready to solder it up and box it.

I'm planning on recycling an old enclosure that's drilled for two stomp switches, and used to house two different effects. So, does anyone have any ideas for me on what to pair up with the Shin-Ei? I've already solved the volume drop issue typical of the FY-2 by tacking on a LPB-1-style clean boost at the end, always on (ala the General Guitar Gadgets schematic), so I don't need a clean boost after it.

What about a dirty (or clean) boost before it? I'm thinking about an MXR Micro Amp. What have you guys experienced as far as boosts before fuzzes?

edit: I'm also considering wiring the second stomp switch to a second volume pot, to have a pseudo-boost/two different volumes at my foot - any opinions on that? I've seen others do this, but I've never done it myself.

What else? Any other ideas? I'm coming up blank at the moment. Any help appreciated!


Micro amp/ lbp1/SHO would be all good choices.  For more of a tweaker 3 knob option the naga viper circuit is a sweet range master boost with options

Edit: Welcome to the forum btw!  :)

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The companion has a severe mid scoop, so if you're going to put a booster into it, consider something with lots of midrange. A rangemaster with an adjustable cap should be fine. But honestly, the companion is so out of control already that I can't see adding gain in front. (Heck, putting a resistor between the first emitter and ground is a sensible modification to make it less insane.)

Instead, I'd think about some sort of strong filter effect either before or after. Something like a stuck wah sound could be very, very interesting either before or after, or you could pair it with an envelope filter for a fuzz wah sound that will also smooth the edges off the fuzz.


Yeah, I never use my companion with anything else. I play an Epi Dot half the time anyway, and anything more makes it too hard to control the feedback.

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Thanks for the ideas, guys, it's much appreciated. And thanks for the welcome rullywowr!

It is a pretty crazy pedal, isn't it? I was looking for that nasty 60's fuzz sound, and this does it pretty well.

I might just leave the second stompswitch hole open for now, until I have time to experiment a bit. I kinda need to box this thing up & get ready for a gig.


Midway, your idea for placing a resistor between the first emitter and ground has me thinking... Could I put a mod like that on a footswitch?? Or would it cause a loud pop when I engaged it? That could be a very useful mod.. Hmmm..


Yo Jefe!

I think that having a pre-setted SAG control via the second footswitch could be cool.

Having a trimpot hooked on the footswitch so you can dial in the desired «starve» would be nice...

Glad to see you here by the way ;)
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Quote from: Jefe on March 15, 2014, 12:11:02 PM
Midway, your idea for placing a resistor between the first emitter and ground has me thinking... Could I put a mod like that on a footswitch?? Or would it cause a loud pop when I engaged it? That could be a very useful mod.. Hmmm..

It will pop. Even the "safe" way of grounding the emitter for a boost I've found will pop sometimes. (Check madbean's lavache for the "safe" way to do that sort of boost.) Adjusting the emitter of Q1 is more a way of handling higher gain modern transistors than anything.


Hey Grindy! Great to see you guys here as well  8)

A starve feature would be neat, I'll try the Shin-Ei at lower voltages & see what happens.

Midwayfair, thanks for the additional comments - I kinda figured there would be pop issues when trying to do something like that..


Well, I decided not to pair it with anything, because I'm running out of time & needed to box this thing up for a gig this saturday. I ended up with a volume 1 & 2, controlled by a foot switch, which works awesome! My first time implementing a dual volume control - it's like having a built in booster.

Here it is in all it's ugly prototype glory. Raco junction box from Home Depot, with everything mounted on top.


Gut shots of my completely sloppy- but-functional work. This is by far my worst job cutting a piece of perfboard, lol. Enjoy the rats nest.


Cool build Jefe and welcome! 
I still haven't built a shin-ei fy-2.  Sounds like a cool fuzz :D
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Very cool Jefe! Nice work on the perf board. I think the junction box is cool. I say leave it in there!