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Started by aran.e666, March 10, 2014, 10:44:06 PM

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Hi everyone I always build pedals that only have a volume so I want to step up my game by adding optional controls like gain tone etc. I dont know what to search for and I cant find any schematic helpful so I thought I should ask the professionals (everyone at madbean  :P ). Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks

Guitar is love, guitar is life.


what exactly do you mean? You want to build a pedal that can adjust gain, tone or other things except for volume?
If so, you can choose from almost every madbean project. Most of them (except for the boosters probably) have at least 2-3 knobs/potentiometers. Just decide which kind of effect you'd like to build and then browse through the build docs to decide which one you like best and most fits your needs and skill.
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

My projects are labeled Quantum Effects. My shared OSH park projects:
My build docs and tutorials


Thanks that is a good idea its just that I wouldnt know where to add extra pots to a veroboard circuit e.g. gain control on a single transistor circuit.

Guitar is love, guitar is life.


ok, now I get it. If you are looking for vero builds there are tons of circuits out there. Some of them are easier, some more complicated with more parts. But they often have more than one pot and have the positions marked on the build schematic.

here's one good site:

if you want to "upgrade" your boards and try fabbed ones, there are kits available from various sources, which include all the parts needed. Or you can get a madbean board and source the parts on your own if you feel comfortable enough doing so.
have fun
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

My projects are labeled Quantum Effects. My shared OSH park projects:
My build docs and tutorials


Thanks man, I appreciate it  :D

Guitar is love, guitar is life.


On a simple circuit like the bass fuzz, try using 2 different output caps instead of  the stock value and a pot to blend between them. There's a lot of resources out there. Buy a breadboard and learn to read schematics (if you haven't already  :) ). The great thing about a breadboard is you can easily swap component values and modify circuits to suit your sound. Start with a simple circuit (like the bass fuzz), breadboard it from the schematic and work outward from there. is a great resource (check the tech pages section) and has a great section of breadboard projects of varying degrees of difficulty. he makes it really easy with his diagrams that show you exactly where each part goes. has a lot of cool  layouts, and Midwayfair (user on the forum) has a pretty cool site with loads of good info.


thanks :) but i tried to make the bazz fuss on vero then point to point but it dosent ever work. it kind of sounds constipated and the sound cant come out. any ideas would help alot but what makes me mad is that i like to build my own pedals and not kits and i can make some really nice sounding pedals but then that name baz fuss hits me in the face and mocks me because i cant get it to sound right so if you can think whats wrong with it, il send pictures of it and the layout etc.  thanks :P
Guitar is love, guitar is life.


If I remember correctly, this is the site with the bass fuzz.


Thanks I got it working. Turns out my off board wiring wasn't connected right  :)
Guitar is love, guitar is life.


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