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SWAW, again

Started by muddyfox, March 08, 2014, 09:32:07 PM

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 Hey peeps!

I've built a SWAW (from a SWAW schematic, not Autobahn) and I'm not sure it's working properly. I've received some voltages from a few very helpful folks (big ups to Tokai and Fendman) but I need some time to closely compare (because pin usage is different on my schematic). Ballpark figures seem to be good enough and there seem to be some discrepancies even between the two aforementioned Autobahns.

I do get quack but I don't think it should be this tame. Also, I only get quack with decay pot turned all the way down. Any clockwise movement and I lose all quack.

Any ideas as to where I should be looking for issues first?


EDIT: Oh yeah... FWIW, I'm using LM324 and NE5517D, both smd.