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Kingslayer Buffer/True bypass

Started by rosettastoned, March 07, 2014, 08:20:30 PM

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I'd like to know if there is difference in sound with this effect wired in this two ways, I wander which wirin' is better or if it affects the overall sound quality of the chain.

another question is, if this buffer works when the pedal is activated only?.



If you already have a buffer in your signal chain, you probably won't notice the difference. If you don't have a buffer, you might notice a difference because the capacitance of cables won't affect your signal as much.

Buffered bypass is just that: when bypassed, the buffer is active.

It's the first stage of the pedal's circuit, so it's of course on when the effect is on, too.

There are many articles discussing the benefits and disadvantages of buffered versus true bypass. Google will probably turn up dozens that are worth reading, and dozens more that are crap.


THX Mid, great answere, so summarazing it, the buffer is ON all the time and it work if there is no buffer on the signal chain.


Does it matter where the buffer is in the pedal chain?


Quote from: billstein on March 08, 2014, 07:33:52 PM
Does it matter where the buffer is in the pedal chain?

If you're running fuzzes, you might find they're horrible after the buffer. So stick them in front. Same will go for wahs.
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