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Started by YeastLords, March 22, 2011, 07:32:46 PM

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First build... finished the sunking v3, and as the title mentions all I get is a BUZZZ noise when I plug in.  It doesn't matter if I'm hooked up to DC or not and whether or not the sunking is on or in bypass mode (I just wired it standard, not true bypass).  For testing, I've got a DPDT on-off-on switch.  LED works.  All the voltages are correct at each of the IC pins.

I'm  new to all of this, so it's probably something simple.  Here are a few pictures... if anyone notices anything out of the ordinary, any help would be much appreciated!  Also, if someone could confirm that I've wired the pots correctly, that would be great.  Sorry about the lack of color-coding/incorrect color coding on the wires... and yes, I know it looks ugly... the next one will look fan-freakin-tastic.

Thanks for any help... I can't wait to get this thing up and going.



I'm a noob but I had the same problem on an another build. In my case it was signal going to the ground.
Check for solder bridges, pots, pcb, jack pins shorting to the enclosure...
The fact that you didn't have a bypass signal makes me think of grouding problem. With your multimeter check continuity between the tip of input/output jack when bypassed. Also check continuity between the tip of the input and the enclosure, do the same thing with the output jack.
Hope I'll help a little


Yeah, I figure it's a grounding issue... the only problem is that I've gone over this thing with a magnifying glass several times and can't find any bridges.  It's not even in an enclosure yet, so that's not an option for shorting.  I checked polarity on all my polarized caps and they're correct.  I'm still not sure if I wired the pots backwards or not, and whether or not this would cause any problems to this extent.


Your tone and volume pots are wired backwards, to start.

What type of DC jack is that you have it one of those metal ones?

Also, for your big C12...are you sure the leads are not touching any of the leads of the resistors underneath?


Okay... tone and volume, I'll fix that when I get home.  What about the Gain?  I kinda used the same numbering (incorrect) scheme on all three. Actually looking at it closer, I may have unintentionally done that one right.

The DC jack is one of the metal ones.  Here's a better pic:

On the C12... Because it's so big and awkwardly placed, I've been extra careful to make sure it's not touching something, so yeah it's got plenty of clearance around it.

Thanks Brian.

Quote from: madbean on March 22, 2011, 08:19:14 PM
Your tone and volume pots are wired backwards, to start.

What type of DC jack is that you have it one of those metal ones?

Also, for your big C12...are you sure the leads are not touching any of the leads of the resistors underneath?


Yeah, your gain pot is right. Everything else on the board is looking good.

I ask about the metal jack for two reasons: one, make sure you are getting 9v through to the PCB by using a DMM . Second thing is, if you are going to use a metal enclosure, that jack will have to be completely isolated from it or it will short out the power.


Sweet...good info.  I think I'll just order a few of the plastic jacks so I don't have to worry about it.  Thanks again.

Quote from: madbean on March 22, 2011, 09:01:56 PM
Yeah, your gain pot is right. Everything else on the board is looking good.

I ask about the metal jack for two reasons: one, make sure you are getting 9v through to the PCB by using a DMM . Second thing is, if you are going to use a metal enclosure, that jack will have to be completely isolated from it or it will short out the power.


Shouldnt there be a connection from input jack sleeve to DC jack negative? And possibly input jack sleeve to output jack sleeve?
Whenever I hear a loud buzz and nothing else it's because I forget something like this.


Which charge pump are you using? Does it end with CPA or SCPA? It should be the latter.

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Quote from: petesz on March 22, 2011, 09:25:13 PM
Shouldnt there be a connection from input jack sleeve to DC jack negative? And possibly input jack sleeve to output jack sleeve?
Whenever I hear a loud buzz and nothing else it's because I forget something like this.

Good eye. I didn't notice that. I don't think either jack is grounded. Testing it outside the box like this, you should ground both to something.


Where this is my first pedal, I totally screwed this one up.  Can't wait to get home and heat up the soldering iron.  Thanks for the catch.

Quote from: petesz on March 22, 2011, 09:25:13 PM
Shouldnt there be a connection from input jack sleeve to DC jack negative? And possibly input jack sleeve to output jack sleeve?
Whenever I hear a loud buzz and nothing else it's because I forget something like this.


Quote from: jkokura on March 22, 2011, 09:30:52 PM
Which charge pump are you using? Does it end with CPA or SCPA? It should be the latter.


I ordered the SCPA model, but when I got the charge pump, I could only see CPA printed on it... I wasn't sure if it was because the "S" wore off, or because they shipped me the wrong one.  I was also worried about this, so I ordered a TC1044SCPA that just arrived yesterday.  If these other suggestions don't get me up and going, I'm going to break out the de-soldering braid and put in the TC1044SCPA.



One more question... my testing switch is a DPDT On-Off-On.  Is this okay, or does it need to be on-on-on.  It's not a foot switch.


It doesnt say so explicitly on the sunking wiring diagram so its easy to miss as a beginner, i built my sunking just yesterday so i realised and remembered.

The on-off-on shouldnt matter, the top and bottom positions will be effect on and bypass and the middle position will be no sound i think.

Quote from: YeastLords on March 22, 2011, 10:10:36 PM
Where this is my first pedal, I totally screwed this one up.  Can't wait to get home and heat up the soldering iron.  Thanks for the catch.

Quote from: petesz on March 22, 2011, 09:25:13 PM
Shouldnt there be a connection from input jack sleeve to DC jack negative? And possibly input jack sleeve to output jack sleeve?
Whenever I hear a loud buzz and nothing else it's because I forget something like this.


IT WORKS!!!  Reversed the wiring on my volume and tone pots, hooked up the ground to the sleeves of my in/out and I couldn't be happier.  You guys are awesome and I would totally high-five you all if you were here...  My neighbors on the other hand do not appreciate your help, as I had my amp cranking the tubes to the point of break-up for at least an hour.

Thanks again everyone!