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Synth-DIY -- how to start?

Started by alanp, March 02, 2014, 05:09:48 AM

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Quote from: alanp on March 13, 2014, 04:08:28 AM
... boards for a Klee sequencer. I'm a sick man.

These just shipped. Today. I'm not making this up.

RS, OTOH, have the absolute BEST shipping I've ever seen.

They'll send me an email the night before, telling me it's on the way, and the courier has it in my hot little hands the next morning! I've never EVER seen a parts company deliver this fast!
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
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My little synth rack is coming along nicely.

Need to order some more stuff from Freq Central.

I've also got a couple of production modules I'm saving up for.

I'll post a pick shortly.

Alan; you should SERIOUSLY consider picking up a mirobrute dude.

It will cover a lot of functionality for you (including midi to CV+Gate) and interface really nicely with your other modular kit.


I'll encourage ANY people with ANY thoughts of any synth sounds here to have a go. Rick's boards make it easy.
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
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Got a minimoog VCF board fabbed (using Yves Usson's schematic), and it works, from what I can tell :)

Don't have a faceplate for it, though. Not in 5U, not in Eurorack format, nuthin'.

If someone can make one up for me if I send them a board (that they can have), that'd be good. It uses Tayda parts, except for the 50kC 9mm pot (which I faked with a 100kB and resistors.)
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
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 Check out mutable instruments.  The shruthi is a great mono synth,  pure analog but digitally controlled I built one it sounded great.  The also have the Annika poly synth which takes 6 analog voice cards.  The cool thing about these is their modular design and that they have different sound cards you can use, you can even diy your own sound card.



Quote from: peAk on May 13, 2014, 06:06:26 PM
Hey Alan,

What about this?

Too much of a beast to start with? I was thinking about this one.

A club i'm in has built that and it is quite nice.


The main thing that gives me the sh**s about MFOS stuff is the sheer amount of front panel wiring. To get an idea, search the Build section for Bengt's report on his MFOS Sub Commander.

That said, I am tempted. The front panel wiring just scares the crap outta me.
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
My OSHpark shared projects
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wow....I did check out that build and what a crazy mess with wires. Saw this on MFOS too:

Maybe I will try one of the little noise generators first.  :o


With all that wiring, I'm pretty sure that is a noise generator...

But seriously - board mounted pots people!

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I don't normally swear in forums but - f*ck me!!! How the hell do you keep track of that wiring!?


Extremely carefully, would be my guess.

If you want to get started, hook up with Rick Holt at Frequency Central. All his stuff has board mounted pots.
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
My OSHpark shared projects
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Quote from: peAk on May 14, 2014, 12:15:11 PM
wow....I did check out that build and what a crazy mess with wires. Saw this on MFOS too:

Maybe I will try one of the little noise generators first.  :o
Looks like my Multiplex Echo Machine ...


One downside to the wiring in these is, the 3 wires that go to a particular pot are not necessarily next to each-other on the PCB :(.


This is crazy! The nerd in me wants to give it a go, but reality is I have no business even considering that.

A smaller scale synth built into more a guitar pedal layout would be more my speed.