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Inventory & BOM Management ideas

Started by selfdestroyer, February 26, 2014, 01:24:51 AM

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I know there has been discussion of this before and a lot of people use spreadsheets for their inventories.  I am looking for something that is a little more turn key and easy to use. It needs to be something that does not take too much time to work with and has the ability to export or ordering with Mouser/Digikey etc. I have been on this path for a year or so and have found a few tools but they fail in one way or another. If we found a system easy enough to use and maintain then maybe other builders can cater their BOMs of build docs so they can just be imported in.

I love the thread with the shared Mouser BOMs and it has helped me a few times in a pinch to not only build one-offs but also to help price out a build for friends. I would like something like this but with more universal.

I'm sure there is a point where this will become more of a PITA than actual help and there are many questions that need to be answered moving forward but I would like to see what others think about it.

This is how I would love to see it work:
Enter in part inventory, info will be pulled from Octopart API or something of the like.
Enter in BOMs from build docs into "projects" and have a quick look if you have the needed parts to build.
Export function with manufacturer's part numbers to be used with Mouser's BOM ordering tool and the like.
A place to store all Datasheets and Build Docs for all parts and projects.
Shared projects with other users.

What I have found so far:
ecDB -
PHP web based with a MySQL backend. Looks promising but will need some tweaking. Has not been developed on for 5 months. It is available for free on Github.

I tossed up a demo of it if you want to check it out

PartsinPlace -
User guide -
Track Inventory of Electronic Parts, Manage Orders, Builds, and Bills of Materials Online. There is a monthly fee for anything over 150 units. Looks expensive for a large number of users but they have some awesome features. This uses Octopart APIs.

Ciiva -
Ciiva is a fully collaborative software solution. It is designed to support multiple people working with the same central component library at the same time. Ciiva uses real-time data synchronization between users to ensure that every user is always working with the latest, up to date component information without fragmentation.

ZParts -
Inventory at its minimal. Great simple tool that I have used in the past.

partkeepr -
Inventory management solution primarily designed for electronic components.  It is written using PHP5.3 and JavaScript.

These are just a few I have found and I would like to open it up for discussion to see if anyone else wants to try this out and see if we can figure out a standard among us. I would love to find some PHP/MySQL people that would love to work on ecDB and make it a good tool for us all to use.


Added another app.


I've started down much the same path and would like the same fuctionality. Load your parts, load bom, check what's needed, etc.

I think there's a way to do spreadsheets this way but it can be tricky. A database is probably a better way to go but it's not my typical thing, steep learning curve I think. Will check out the links for sure!
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


some of these look pretty good

partsinplace looks pretty good but that is just too expensive. $10 a month should be the unlimited version


Its a very useful idea!
But as useless as usual i cant help much:(
If i fart a lot,  it means that i'm a Gas expert ?


I really need this sort of tool, but I have found that they are only as good as you are at keeping them up to date. Now if we add a little robot with one eye and a little arm that could open the drawer and count the parts....

Seriously, if you could lay out what you found lacking in the above packages. I for one am very interested.


Well I am definitely interested in something like this and I am willing to help out in anyway that I can, ....even if it's manually entering in BOMs.

I know there would be a lot of work upfront getting all the inventory in but I think, for me at least, it would be smooth sailing after that.

Being fairly new to pedal building, there are a couple of things that bother me and not knowing/having what I need is one of them. Once you have your inventory put in, receiving invoices would be a breeze IMO.


I'm willing to participate, so here are some feature suggestions/issues I see:

1. What I'd like to see is a fairly universal setup to begin with, with a list of all the most common parts we use, including the various brands and types, as well as generic. I'd love to be able to start with a 'blank canvas' and add all the parts I have myself, but then, nothing is universal. To combat this, we should have an open format that as I add a part to the Library (Epcos 50V 2.5mmx7mm 10n Box Film Cap), that part is added to everyone's library. The problem arises if I've added that part, then Josh comes after me and adds this part again, then Brian, and so on. It's either on one person's shoulders to continually update and include new parts, or someone's job to constantly be back checking and making sure no duplicates are added. I see no way to actively combat this. Plus, what about the people who look at the list of various 10nF caps (Epcos, Wima, Kemet, Topmay, Panasonic) and all their various sizes/voltages (2.5mm, 3mm, 5mm/25V, 50V, 63V, 100V, 630V) and then doesn't have a clue how to choose which ones they have. Obviously there should be a generic part (10nF Box Film Cap), but I have 3 different types of 10nF caps...

2. Each item should have the ability to be categorized and tagged so that the database is searchable using key words. Need to narrow the list down from 'resistors' to '1% Metal Film resistors,' that should turn up useable results.

3. The biggest problem with Inventories is the inability to properly subtract from the Library. Sure, it's easy to sit down when you get your Mouser order and put your parts away as you add them to your Library. Whatever organizational system you use however, you don't sit there when you're building a project and take out 3 10nF caps, install them in the correct place on a PCB, then turn to your inventory and remove 3 10nF caps from you inventory database. How can we both use a BOM document/file to check our Library, and ALSO use that same document/file to REMOVE the parts from our personal Library when they're used?

Just 3 thoughts I have. Am I making this project too big?

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals

Jabulani Jonny

I would also be willing to help keep this up. 

Quote from: jkokura on February 26, 2014, 06:17:47 PM
I'm willing to participate, so here are some feature suggestions/issues I see:

1. What I'd like to see is a fairly universal setup to begin with, with a list of all the most common parts we use, including the various brands and types, as well as generic. I'd love to be able to start with a 'blank canvas' and add all the parts I have myself, but then, nothing is universal. To combat this, we should have an open format that as I add a part to the Library (Epcos 50V 2.5mmx7mm 10n Box Film Cap), that part is added to everyone's library. The problem arises if I've added that part, then Josh comes after me and adds this part again, then Brian, and so on. It's either on one person's shoulders to continually update and include new parts, or someone's job to constantly be back checking and making sure no duplicates are added. I see no way to actively combat this. Plus, what about the people who look at the list of various 10nF caps (Epcos, Wima, Kemet, Topmay, Panasonic) and all their various sizes/voltages (2.5mm, 3mm, 5mm/25V, 50V, 63V, 100V, 630V) and then doesn't have a clue how to choose which ones they have. Obviously there should be a generic part (10nF Box Film Cap), but I have 3 different types of 10nF caps...

2. Each item should have the ability to be categorized and tagged so that the database is searchable using key words. Need to narrow the list down from 'resistors' to '1% Metal Film resistors,' that should turn up useable results.

I think you just described the search function (and its challenges) on Mouser.   ;D

I'm not sure that it helps, but for anyone who would be fine with just a spreadsheet, I've attached what I use.  It includes part numbers where I could get them, which makes it really easy to use on Mouser's BOM Import tool that lets you copy paste part numbers then quantities after a space. 



I think that managing inventory would be worth the effort, but BOMs would not.

Quote from: jkokura on February 26, 2014, 06:17:47 PM
3. ... Whatever organizational system you use however, you don't sit there when you're building a project and take out 3 10nF caps, install them in the correct place on a PCB, then turn to your inventory and remove 3 10nF caps from you inventory database...Just 3 thoughts I have. Am I making this project too big?
Picking from inventory would be easy for me.  I always pull all the components for a build at once, then start building.  (In fact, this is how I find out that I am missing something.  Then I put off the build until the Tayda/Smallbear/Mammoth/PPP order comes in.) 

Quote from: jkokura on February 26, 2014, 06:17:47 PM
1. What I'd like to see is a fairly universal setup to begin with, with a list of all the most common parts we use, including the various brands and types, as well as generic. I'd love to be able to start with a 'blank canvas' and add all the parts I have myself, but then, nothing is universal. To combat this, we should have an open format that as I add a part to the Library (Epcos 50V 2.5mmx7mm 10n Box Film Cap), that part is added to everyone's library. The problem arises if I've added that part, then Josh comes after me and adds this part again, then Brian, and so on. It's either on one person's shoulders to continually update and include new parts, or someone's job to constantly be back checking and making sure no duplicates are added. I see no way to actively combat this. Plus, what about the people who look at the list of various 10nF caps (Epcos, Wima, Kemet, Topmay, Panasonic) and all their various sizes/voltages (2.5mm, 3mm, 5mm/25V, 50V, 63V, 100V, 630V) and then doesn't have a clue how to choose which ones they have. Obviously there should be a generic part (10nF Box Film Cap), but I have 3 different types of 10nF caps...
I'm not sure that a common database will work, for all the reasons Jacob mentions here.  This is also why I think BOMs wouldn't work - too many part variations.

I am inclined to look at this as a business problem.  What problem are you trying to solve?  What are your 'must haves'?  What are your 'nice to haves'?

For me, the most important result of managing inventory is to make sure I have what I need before I start working on something.  The pain of managing inventory is (probably) less than the pain of not being able to work on my next project because I'm missing something I thought I had.  Uploading a BOM would be nice, but most pedals probably don't have more than 30-40 different components.  And given the parts inconsistencies mentioned earlier, you would probably spend some time cleaning up after the upload.

Other nice to haves for me:

- Re-order report
- POs.  Open a PO to track the items I intend to buy.  Then once the order is placed, track it, receive it to inventory.
- Costing a build.  I don't sell mine, but I'd like to know what they cost.

I know some of you sell finished pedals.  I would think that some of these would be must haves for you.



What I've found personally is that eventually you build up a parts inventory that you no longer have to order parts for individual builds unless it's a one off part.  It's most cost effective to buy in bulk and eventually you have everything needed to rule pedal building the world  ;)

Contract PCB designer


Quote from: gtr2 on February 26, 2014, 08:44:56 PM
What I've found personally is that eventually you build up a parts inventory that you no longer have to order parts for individual builds unless it's a one off part.  It's most cost effective to buy in bulk and eventually you have everything needed to rule pedal building the world  ;)


I fully have this situation going. I am at the point where my inventory is so large, I actually only order parts when I KNOW I don't have them, or I am putting an order in and I start looking for things I don't have. If I don't have it, I order 5, or 10, or 200, or whatever.

An example of this is that I didn't have any 1/8 watt resistors, but I have a project coming where 1/8 what resistors are needed. I had an order from Mouser that I had to make happen, and so I got a list together and ordered enough to build more than 10 of that project, plus I got some extra values I didn't need but wanted.

Anyway, I would love to have an inventory, and then be able to compare a BOM to that inventory and see what I need to order, rather than have a PCB arrive, pull out the parts and realize I'm missing X value resistor, or that the cap I need to use is too large for the space allotted.

/TLDR, the main thing I need is to be able to compare a BOM for a potential project against my inventory so I can order what I'm missing BEFORE I need it.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


I would just like something kind of simple

1. All your inventory is manually added to your database to start. This would be a PITA but would only have to happen once depending how you maintain it.

2. You decide on a PCB you want to build and enter it in to see if you have everything in stock. If so, then "place an order" which subtracts it from your inventory. This would be as easy or technical as you make your database.  If your inventory has 3 different type of 10uf caps, then you would choose the one you want at that point.

3. Once you have created the invoice which subtracted it from your inventory, you then pull all the components for your build into a bin.

4. Periodically you create POs based on stuff that was missing from builds you were going to build but canceled because you didn't have everything in stock or builds that you went ahead and built that were missing components. This is the trickier part that would depend on how you backorder things or your database alarms you when something is below X amount

.....something like that at lease...


I just recently started researching small business inventory / pos programs looking for a solution to help me keep track of my stock and help track my investment in r&d and completed pedals. While I am not really a business I do get request for builds and offers to buy completed pedals and wanted to be sure I was not selling my self short. I am currently testing a pos system that runs about $10 for the basic version and it covers up to 1000 skus. It allows kitting so I can create pedal BOMs and it pulls all the inventory and cost when I decide to build a pedal.. there is a limit of 30 skus per kit but I just figured I would break a large BOM into A,B,C etc.. if needed.

I like that I can track my cost on parts and setup vendor info and create POs based on stock levels so I make sure I keep parts in stock and dont forget to order items.

I did find a lot of programs out there and some with more features and larger inventory and BOM features but I didnt want to over invest since it is still a hobby for me.

I basically googled small business inventory software and small business pos software and read reviews and downloaded free demos to see what they offered.

Retail BOSS Pos is the one I am working with as an example ($9.95 version)



That looks like it's Windows only friendly...

This makes me want to go and scour the Mac App Store.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


Yeah.. and its not all fancy with graphics and stuff but it gets the job done.. lol

Of course having a written record of how much I am investing in my hobby may backfire :)

From my research if you are willing to spend 50 to 100 bucks you can find a pretty cool software package out there.
