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The Movie Thread....what are you watching?

Started by peAk, February 22, 2014, 02:32:38 AM

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Quote from: haveyouseenhim on February 22, 2014, 07:06:04 AM
I just got done watching 'The Search for Animal Chin' for the millionth time.  8)

Pay attention at 3:00   ;D

Wow, I haven't thought of that movie in decades.  Blast from the past.
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Saw 12 years a slave a few weeks ago. Really really good film, and phenomenal acting. It's hard to watch at times, but with the subject matter it covers, it should be.

Thought wolf of Wall Street was great too.

Highly recommend both of em!


Goodbye Farewell and Amen.

Not new. Certainly dated. Still a classic
head solder jockey, part time cook: cranky&jaded


Been awhile since I saw it... but _Pierrepoint_ sticks in my head.
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
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Watched "Now You See Me" last night. pretty cool movie! Worth a watch.



If you speak to this man the wrong way, and without backing, he will, without exaggeration, pull your intestines out and present them to you before you die.

Long John Silver is a very slightly more presentable version. You're never sure whether Silver truly does think highly of Hawkins, or whether he is buttering Hawkins up to avoid the gallows.

I strongly advise to not even BOTHER looking up the official trailer for this movie. It'd make you think that iD software's Doom was Hello Kitty Island Adventures.

This is piracy in the original vein. Murder to obtain coin, simple as that.
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
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I should probably qualify that 1990 Treasure Island is my all time favourite movie of all time. Bar none.

Have any of you heard of Paddy Moloney? There you go.
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
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Finally got around to it, Rogue One a couple of days ago. Really enjoyed it. Best thing with a Star Wars badge on it since the 70's.

This film did it right in that it tells a story that was mentioned in the original trilogy, and complements it (with odd nods to it that don't ever feel twee) rather than just being a full-on nostalgia trip like Force Awakens was.

If I'm being nit-picky, it's missing John Williams, which made the odd musical call backs a bit jarring. But that's about it. I may have to re-watch the original trilogy again now.
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"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Sorry, I should probably drop a few names.

Charlton Heston, Oliver Reed, Christopher Lee, Julian Glover, Michael Halsey. Pete Postlethwaite...

The young Christian Bale was probably in seventh heaven, working with all these veterans.
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
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Top 5 movies I watched 2016 (in no particular order)
-The Martian ( this was super close to the book)
-The Hateful Eight
-Captain America Civil War
-The Invitation

Top 3 let downs I watched 2016 IMO
-The Witch (this was BY FAR the WORST movie I've seen in a long time)
-Ant-Man (Really...REALLY)
-X-men Apocalypse (I actually couldn't even finish watching it.)


Quote from: juansolo on January 06, 2017, 10:14:25 AM
Finally got around to it, Rogue One a couple of days ago. Really enjoyed it. Best thing with a Star Wars badge on it since the 70's.

This film did it right in that it tells a story that was mentioned in the original trilogy, and complements it (with odd nods to it that don't ever feel twee) rather than just being a full-on nostalgia trip like Force Awakens was.

If I'm being nit-picky, it's missing John Williams, which made the odd musical call backs a bit jarring. But that's about it. I may have to re-watch the original trilogy again now.

I am planning on taking our boys to Rogue 1 in the next couple of weeks - they both got a big kick out of the original trilogy, which we just watched 2 weeks ago. So that's what I've been watching, and now I'm fielding questions like "what is a lightsabre?" "Can I get a lightsabre for my birthday" "what does Darth Vader wear under his costume" etc..
"my legend grows" - playpunk


Best that I saw from 2016:

- The Revenant. Saw this at the cinema in Jan and I loved it. Not sure how good it would be on TV/home cinema.
- The Nice Guys. Great fun. Crowe and Gosling make a pretty bad ass pairing. I hope there is a sequel.
- Hunt for the Wilderpeople. May be my favourite overall. Hilarious and also quite moving (Sam Neill is ace in it).
- Green Room. My wife couldn't finish watching this as the violence is hard going. Patrick Stewart plays a terrifying NeoNazi.
- Rogue One. Went to see it over Christmas and I really, really enjoyed it. Worth watching just for the Vader scene  8)

Worst that I saw:
- X Men Apocalypse. I made it through to the end, but it is a total turd of a film.


Quote from: raulduke on January 06, 2017, 03:23:37 PM
- The Revenant. Saw this at the cinema in Jan and I loved it. Not sure how good it would be on TV/home cinema.
- Green Room. My wife couldn't finish watching this as the violence is hard going. Patrick Stewart plays a terrifying NeoNazi.

Worst that I saw:
- X Men Apocalypse. I made it through to the end, but it is a total turd of a film.

yes on all these points!!


Movie I could watch over and over again - Deadpool

Movie I thought would suck but didn't - War Dogs

Music related documentary - Killswitch Engage Beyond the Flames II.  Really enjoyable watch, and the guys come across really well.
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


The other night watched 'Hit So Hard The Life & Near Death of Patty Schemel'.

In the last five years i've watched a total of two non-documentaries, in my mind now i just can't justify the time for non-documentaries.

My Public Library check out history for the last year has over 500 items, not a single fiction book or movie among them.

"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got." - Unknown

If my photos are missing again... they're hosted by photobucket... and as of 06/2017 being held hostage... to be continued?