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Which "Octave Up" has the most Octave Up?

Started by blearyeyes, February 21, 2014, 11:43:46 PM

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Which "Octave Up" has the most Octave Up?

I got an itch to build one and before I scratch I wanna make sure I'm in the right spot....


actually I've never heard anything that has more upper octave than a good octavia. still, some dudes say that a superfuzz when done with a transistor array matched trannies can have insane amount of octave up. hopefully we'll have an answer soon when others pitch in - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


RG Keen's modified Rocktavia.

Something like 6 octaves.

HUGE schematic and no layout yet ...


Quote from: Cortexturizer on February 21, 2014, 11:46:37 PM
... some dudes say that a superfuzz when done with a transistor array matched trannies can have insane amount of octave up.

I just sent a prototype for a fuzz circuit I've been working on to OSH Park that has an octave up mode based on using a similar arrangement to the octave generator in the Super-Fuzz where I used the LM3046 transistor array. If you match the resistors so that both sides of the messed up differential amplifier sit at (nearly exactly) the same bias voltage, you do get a nice powerful octave up. It also gets a ton of intermodulation distortion that sounds nearly like a ring modulator if you play multiple notes.

One weird thing about the Super-Fuzz was that I thought the post octave diode clippers kinda took away from the octave effect. I haven't built the Super-Fuzz other than on the breadboard yet, but when I do get around to doing it, I'll add a switch to take the clippers out for sure. It's also a really good pedal to build if you've got a ton of 10µF caps lying around that you need to get rid of. One other thing that I think is really slick about the Super-Fuzz is the tone switch. I like it enough that I lifted it with only minor modifications for my fuzz I've been working on.
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rock•it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).


That's great stuff Rob! Would love to get the chance to build your version. I put a 50K pot instead of the tone switch on mine and it's much more useful, I never use the extreme positions, always somewhere in the middle. IMHO the sound is best there dunno. Interesting observation about the clippers...gonna remember that. - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Quote from: Cortexturizer on February 22, 2014, 12:54:13 PM
That's great stuff Rob! Would love to get the chance to build your version. I put a 50K pot instead of the tone switch on mine and it's much more useful, I never use the extreme positions, always somewhere in the middle. IMHO the sound is best there dunno. Interesting observation about the clippers...gonna remember that.

That's a good point about using the pot on the tone control instead of a switch. It would be more versatile. But I was really fixated on making the thing have too many switches ;D. It currently has four switches and two knobs and that's only because I finally forced myself to add the gain knob. It makes it a bit fun to just flip the switches in combinations to see what it does. I think I could figure out a way to do an all knob version too. That might be even more fun.
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rock•it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).


Quote from: Cortexturizer on February 21, 2014, 11:46:37 PM
actually I've never heard anything that has more upper octave than a good octavia. still, some dudes say that a superfuzz when done with a transistor array matched trannies can have insane amount of octave up. hopefully we'll have an answer soon when others pitch in

I'll see if I can do a short demo of my Super Fuzz tomorrow, demonstrating the octave. Incidentally, my Super Fuzz boards are back in stock, if anyone's interested  ;D




Here is the demo I promised...showcasing the pedals octave abilities (mainly happening above the 12th fret), not my playing ;) Highest note played is a 22nd fret D through humbuckers, close to the end of the clip.