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Belton Brick Troubles

Started by raulduke, February 17, 2014, 02:38:30 PM

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Hey Guys.

Have any of you guys had trouble with the Belton BTDR 2 bricks?

Got the Tenebrion reverb on the breadboard here and I'm scratching my head.

I've had the circuit functioning for a while, and then it has just has died on me and it's just outputting white noise. The rest of my circuit is working fine (clean buffered signal still coming through fine, voltages to Opamps fine etc.).

I have heard of there being issues before so was wondering if you guys have any info.

Maybe the belton IC is susceptible to static discharge or something?

It is also pulling my 5V reg down to a lower voltage, so I think the Belton is truly fried at this point.

Bit annoyed with myself as these modules are not exactly cheap  :'(


Had a few of them and other than the odd broken leg, never had any problems with them.
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Sure it's not the regulator? Tayda 78L05?

timbo has had a few issues with the beltons if I remember right
Contract PCB designer


Yeah, I had issues using tantalums for C5 in the rub-a-dub that resulted in the same thing I'd power the pedal on and after a few minutes it would go to garbage/white noise, then it started happening more quickly until it did it all the time, so now I use 1uf MLCC's or electros there and I have also started using 1uf MLCC's on C3.  I am not sure if there would be something like that going on with the Tenebrion though.  I also would suggest double checking the Reg for 5v
Sunday Musical Instruments LLC.
Sunday Handwound Pickups


Thanks for the help guys.

Hmmm yeah it could well be the Reg I guess.

Never bought any from Tayda, but that doesn't irradicate the possibility of it being a duffer!

I'll swap it out tonight and see what gives.

Never use Tantalums, but that is really weird. I wonder what it was about the Tant's that caused the problem?

Genuinely interested to know if anyone has an answer!


I just got the same Problem a few days ago. I played my Pitch Shifting Delay and kicked the Rub-a-Dub and shhhhhhhhhhh. Horrible white Noise, increasing with the Pot turned up. It worked perfectly before.
After i pulled the DC Plug and put it back in, it was fine again until I turned on any Drive Pedal or something with a higher Output. Maybe the Circuit/Belton Brick is overdriven by higher signals?

Did anyone find a Solution?
I donĀ“t use tantalum caps, just normal electrolytics, no Regulator from Tayda. But i will measure it tomorrow, if it gives 5V.