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Rissole PIF

Started by Droogie, February 10, 2014, 07:57:45 PM

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Got this from Alan P as my first ever PIF! Went together easily, even boxing wasn't too tough with all the switches and whatnot (despite a dodgy jack from Tayda, hence the mismatch). The box is Candy Teal from PPP—not sure what to do for labels yet. Still have to tweak the rate LED a bit.

It sounds great and there are a lot of possibilities with this: from funky envelope, cocked wah, and burbling madness—and I love the blend pot.  Great project!
Chief Executive Officer in Charge of Burrito Redistribution at Hytone Electric


Aw man you didnt do the loop. Well worth it! :) but nice anyway.
Do you get any collisions with the chicken heads set up like that?


I had to adjust the knobs pretty exactly to avoid collisions. Was going to do the loop but my jack supply was too low-- and I really didn't want to wait too long to try this one out. The Lovetone addiction might be spreading! Looking forward to the Doppleganger when that gets going.
Chief Executive Officer in Charge of Burrito Redistribution at Hytone Electric


That is really, really nice! Don't fib, btw, it's a bugger getting any Meatball board to fit, with six pots and four switches, but it's worse with this one, with the LEDs and the added switch!  ;)  ;D

If you're able to fit them above the four top pots like I did, I strongly recommend putting the loop and expression jacks in. The Intensity jack is really, really neat :)

(And I'll own up to the knobs having issues with fitment... squeezing 10 knobs in such a small space comes with unique issues.)
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
My OSHpark shared projects
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Sweet! Can't wait to give mine a go
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Quote from: alanp on February 11, 2014, 03:58:26 AM's a bugger getting any Meatball board to fit, with six pots and four switches, but it's worse with this one, with the LEDs and the added switch!

The one thing that was tricky was dealing with the height of the toggle and rotaries copared to the pots--might be easier with longer right angle pots. Thanks for the pif and the project!
Chief Executive Officer in Charge of Burrito Redistribution at Hytone Electric


Quote from: Droogie on February 10, 2014, 11:17:20 PM
The Lovepedal addiction might be spreading!



dont confuse the divine with such heathens



Fixed.  :-[  just don't make build a Ring Stinger on vero as penance!
Chief Executive Officer in Charge of Burrito Redistribution at Hytone Electric


So in preparation for my Rissole build, how do you folks approach boxing this thing?

Do you first drill the box, fix pots in there and then lower the board on the exposed pins (this seems impossible) or do you solder pots to the board and bend and twist them to conform to the existing holes (also seems rather impossible with all the rotaries)?


quick question...What is a PIF?


Quote from: muddyfox on February 11, 2014, 02:53:54 PM

So in preparation for my Rissole build, how do you folks approach boxing this thing?

Do you first drill the box, fix pots in there and then lower the board on the exposed pins (this seems impossible) or do you solder pots to the board and bend and twist them to conform to the existing holes (also seems rather impossible with all the rotaries)?

Soldered all pots and switches, then rocked funked that thing first  8). I overdrilled the holes for the rotaries, pots, and toggle a bit to allow for some play due to typically less than perfect drilling. A little filing to tweak and bingo. Still have to redo the LED.
Having done a Nautilus before was good learning experience for this.

PIF is the "Pay It Forward" contests from December.
Chief Executive Officer in Charge of Burrito Redistribution at Hytone Electric



That looks really cool!


Quote from: muddyfox on February 11, 2014, 02:53:54 PM

So in preparation for my Rissole build, how do you folks approach boxing this thing?

Do you first drill the box, fix pots in there and then lower the board on the exposed pins (this seems impossible) or do you solder pots to the board and bend and twist them to conform to the existing holes (also seems rather impossible with all the rotaries)?

Ive built a few meatballs
the best way is to get a drill template, double triple quadruple check it, then mark and drill the box
oversize the holes by 0.5cm (or whatever that is in yank)
screw the rotaries to the box, and the (hopefully board mount style pots)
Lower the pcb into the enclosure, and wiggle all the pins in.

You may find doing just the rotaries first easier, then the pots second. Never the other way round as the rotaries sit higher than standard board mount pots.

I use liberal blu tac to ensure the board is level, perpendicular etc (OCD as you wish)

Then solder, natch

good luck
I wouldnt try to solder first drill later, thats asking for issues of fit in my experience


I soldered first, and took advantage of the fact that even pcbmount pot legs have wiggle in 'em. Once you've got a turn or so of thread through to the face of the enclosure, you can put the nut on and use that to pull the rest of the pot through.
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
My OSHpark shared projects
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Quote from: alanp on February 12, 2014, 04:19:26 AM
I soldered first, and took advantage of the fact that even pcbmount pot legs have wiggle in 'em. Once you've got a turn or so of thread through to the face of the enclosure, you can put the nut on and use that to pull the rest of the pot through.

This'll work but I don't like the idea of the extra stress on the joints.
Especially true of the plastic rotary.