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loud buzz with weener wah 2(solved)

Started by danwelsh, February 07, 2014, 03:08:19 AM

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Hi guys, i have a super loud buzz when my weener is engaged, bypass works fine...i never subbed any parts...where would i even begin to troubleshoot this....i've checked all my ground connections and they look fine, all components are correct per build doc.. i also setup t1 to 4.5 volts and the gain trimmer a third of the way up, i used a 100k log for the volume trimmer(as recommended)


Have you tried an audio probe yet?

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Quote from: jkokura on February 07, 2014, 04:06:39 AM
Have you tried an audio probe yet?


no, i'm gonna do that tomorrow...i'm worried its the inductor as i hauled it out of an old vox wah that i'm not sure if even worked to begin with....does it matter how they are positioned in the board? there's no markings by the pins anywhere so i'm assuming not


okay guys....still stuck on this, i'm really terrible at reading schematics and the sound path but i took pics and voltages and maybe this will help a bit, a one spot to power it and am getting:

9.42v at the 9v pad

c- .11 volts
b- negative .69 volts
e-4.3 volts


c-8.9 volts
b-2.8 volts
e-3.22 volts


s- .34
g- negative 7.03 volts


Inspect for solder bridges around the wires and let's see the off board wiring.
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


can't see any bridges anywhere....i reflowed everything's the offboard stuff


if you're not hardwiring the boost....are you supposed to do anything with the ALT pad? oh and i forgot to mention....there's no wah effect, when i engage the pedal, it just goes buzzzzzz, not a hum


According to the stomp wiring diagram in the BOM, lug 5 is supposed to go somewhere, and lug 1 is empty. Is yours like that, hard to tell.
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Quote from: jimilee on February 08, 2014, 05:19:46 AM
According to the stomp wiring diagram in the BOM, lug 5 is supposed to go somewhere, and lug 1 is empty. Is yours like that, hard to tell.

yeah, lug 5 is going to the IN on the pcb and lug 1 is empty



I've circled Lug 5 on the stomp, it looks empty to me, are you sure there's something there? If there is, you may want to go back and resolder it.

Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


okay, it was soldered to that lug but i resoldered it and still the same problem. Could someone help me with the sound path for this so i can probe it?


okay i got rid of the buzz....had a very tiny bridge couldn't see without a magnifying glass :) but i'm not getting wah effect, it's only acting as a volume pedal