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Sunking subs from original?

Started by madmac, March 15, 2011, 01:10:39 PM

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I was comparing the schem of the Sunking with the Sargatarian Charger at FSB.  There seems to be quite a few component subs between these two.  Which version is closer to the actual klon or is there a few variations of original klons out there?

At a quick glance these values appear different- R5, R7, R16, C2, C4, C5, C7 and C13.  (Component numbering as per Sunking Schem).


The values for the traced Klon unit were updated sometime after the Sag. Charger was released on FSB. These are the values used in the Sunking.


Just an FYI. Although the Sag. Charger was developed by a well known member at FSB, he did not release boards for the project.

I had a repair job which appeared to be an SG. And I had a question regarding components, and I exchanged emails with the man in New Zealand.

If you wind up with a board in your hands, know that it didn't come from the creator of the SG.


Ahh OK thats cool.  Thanks for clearing that up.  Now all I need to do is box up my Sunking.  Waiting for the paint to harden.......................... ::)  I find enamel clear coat takes forever even after baking on a low temp.


I sometimes let mine cure for several days. But, I also don't paint or clear coat any more. I'm too impatient!


Quote from: madbean on March 15, 2011, 08:21:16 PM
I sometimes let mine cure for several days. But, I also don't paint or clear coat any more. I'm too impatient!

Yeah - I don't know how many times I have tried to put a pedal together with soft paint and then been disappointed - aw well the wait continues........