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Zero Point SDX

Started by smoreland120, February 04, 2014, 01:33:49 AM

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Just finished up the Zero Point SDX build.  This one turned out much better now that I have one under my belt.  Sounds great too, which is really what matters!

Blues Healer

nicely done!

I'm getting a parts list together, and looking forward to building one!

"music heals"


Thanks!  I actually found it much easier to build than the Kingslayer due to the PCB mount pots and switches.  The DC jack I used barely fit, so you might want to try a slim version.  Good luck with the build!


Looks good! Bonus points for being hardcore enough to solder the ICs directly to the board.

Quote from: smoreland120 on February 04, 2014, 02:26:58 AM
Thanks!  I actually found it much easier to build than the Kingslayer due to the PCB mount pots and switches.  The DC jack I used barely fit, so you might want to try a slim version.  Good luck with the build!

You can gain a lot of space if you use a DC jack with an external nut, too.


Haha.  Bonus points or stupidity points, one or the other.  I didn't have any sockets or patience to order some!



That looks great!

Sent from my thumbs using Tapatalk!


Looks really good. Everything pretty looks neat. Also like the simple graphics!
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

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Blues Healer

haha ... I happen to be working on a second Kingslayer, and yes it has a few challenges for me.

thanks for the heads up on the DC jack ... I have a few "outie" types from SmallBear that will probably work. I might just order a 125BB enclosure for this, though.

also, FYI for anyone building this ... I don't know if anyone has posted this, but here's a Mouser link for the headers on the breakout board:
there may be others if you search, that's just what I have on my parts list, but I haven't ordered yet.

Quote from: smoreland120 on February 04, 2014, 02:26:58 AM
Thanks!  I actually found it much easier to build than the Kingslayer due to the PCB mount pots and switches.  The DC jack I used barely fit, so you might want to try a slim version.  Good luck with the build!
"music heals"


I might have misled you.  I was referring to the DC jack barely fitting on the Zeropoint SDX.  Regardless, I hope the Kingslayer comes together nicely for you.

Blues Healer

not at all ... I checked your pic
here's the SB "outie" :

I like to use it sometimes, 'cause it's easier to wire, especially if you need to redo something, you can take it out easier ...  and of course, it takes less space internally

Quote from: smoreland120 on February 04, 2014, 08:58:08 PM
I might have misled you.  I was referring to the DC jack barely fitting on the Zeropoint SDX.
"music heals"


Excellent build! 
My rhythm/lead guitarist in our cover band heard my ZPSDX and I also let him borrow it... big mistake, he now wants me to make him one so I will do it, and it will come out better then mine since I have about 30 pedals under my belt since the ZPSDX and know what do to now... LOL
once again, Excellent build! !  !   :D
Information is not knowledge
Knowledge is not wisdom
Wisdom is not truth
Truth is not beauty
Beauty is not love
Love is not music
Music is THE BEST . .


Thanks!  That's funny.  I would just build the new one with his money and keep the new one.


Quote from: Blues Healer on February 04, 2014, 07:52:56 PM
also, FYI for anyone building this ... I don't know if anyone has posted this, but here's a Mouser link for the headers on the breakout board:
there may be others if you search, that's just what I have on my parts list, but I haven't ordered yet.

Son of a...I couldn't find those when I was ordering parts for my own build. I ended up using some leftover legs I'd saved up from 1N4001s. It worked out just fine, but I kinda wish I'd had the headers too, if only because they're that much neater.