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Dat switch pop...slambox

Started by raoulduke, January 21, 2014, 10:53:56 PM

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So I've had this laying around since back when they were for sale.

I finally got around to rehousing it in a 1590a and wiring it up clean.

It always had a nasty pop I didn't bother debugging when I had it just loosely stuffed in a too big box.

I figured maybe a fresh clean wire with a new switch etc would knock it out.
Depsite my lurker presence here I've been at this a while and do sorta know what's up.

LED need a resistor or something?  this is one of the boards with the LED lugs in the PCB.  From looking at it, it seems the resistor for the LED is built into the circuit already.

Not sure what I'm missing here.  Grounds and stuff are good.  I can post pics if it'll help but I was hoping for a "yeah man mine did that, I put XXXX in the XXXXX.  I've got it back out and wired in a bigger testing box so I can play with it.

I really like the sound and small footprint.   Love to be able to use it for more than an all the time pedal....

FWIW, despite all the cash I've forked to voodoo labs for clean power switch pop happens with some stuff.  I can usually play around it but this is LOUD.  On and Off.  been hooked up to two sets of new top notch switches and jacks.  Stumped.


Measure the voltage at the input; see if there's a DC offset (i.e., it should read 0 -- even while switching). Do the same on the output. Find out where the switch pop is originating. If it's not at either, try removing the LED.

There could be something else going on that's got something connected to power that shouldn't be. Is the pot insulated from the circuit? Is the transistor securely attached (i.e., is it soldered or socketted)?


Thanks for the tips.  I've checked for DC leak at input and output and nada.

I also removed the LED with no improvement. 
I put the LED back because it's a deal breaker....  I know this sounds stupid but I've heard old engineer tales about certain color LED's being worse than others.  No change after the first color swap so I abandoned that as a dumb idea.

I checked for DC leakage during switching it in/out and on the switch itself...
I went down this rabbit hole with it for an afternoon when I first did it and got in my head it had to be the switch......

I appreciate the response though.  Because of the low parts count etc, if these were still available, I'd order another handful and just start again.

With 2 dollars worth of parts in it I would have just built them until I got one that ran quiet :-)

the pot is insulated from the circuit and the tranny is soldered direct.

again, thanks for helpin out the FNG