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Premier guitar Bill Finnegan article

Started by Jmilla, January 21, 2014, 02:24:41 PM

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As far as criticising him goes, I'm sorry but that's life.  Your criticised from the moment your born.  I'm entitled to an opinion just like he is.  I get negative comments and just plain insults on my youtube vidoes all the time.  I had someone yesterday tell me "your so boring if we worked on a project together id punch myself in the face". that sort of comment would once bother me but its effect these days is limited.  I move on pretty got me...I cried for hours, I admit.  Id actually take that sort of comment on board "ok this video is a bit long winded" instead of getting all emotional.

Anyway, here's a tip: If your sensitive, don't put it out there.  There's no exception for me, and there's no exception for you either. 
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Phew.. just finished my card table.

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.


Quote from: chromesphere on January 23, 2014, 09:59:13 PM
Imagine you had that massive cash cow that is the Klon at your feet and people started ripping it off

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Quote from: chromesphere on January 23, 2014, 09:59:13 PM
Imagine it from Bill's point of view though.  Imagine you had that massive cash cow that is the Klon at your feet and people started ripping it I think I would be p1ssed too.  He needs to remember though that ITS STILL A CASH COW.  He could produce and sell a million units to corksniffers at <whatever price he sets>...if he got off his ass and did it. 


I keep thinking of this and I think we would see the same effects that is happening now but in reverse. I would say that most of the "Cash Cow" syndrome is from the lack of devices. If you think about it this way, make more available then the demand for used and or clones would lessen. I bet if he started creating more that he would be able to charge $500 for them, but for how long? At some point the market will be saturated and people will stop buying them, or at least at those prices.

It reminds me of when the Strymon Timeline came out. I was on the initial waiting list and got mine but they sold out so quick that the units were then flipped for $800. Then in a month they get back in stock and prices are back down.

And more recently the Sony PS4.. Supply and demand conquers all. I have paid more than double for some things just to "get it now" than to wait but that was my decision.


I agree Cody.  I bought a strymon big sky for xmas for $520.  I notice for some reason now they are $600ish which im assuming is due to lack of stock.

I was told working hard was the way to make $$$, im starting to reconsider that...I think working slow could be more advantageous..?

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Quote from: selfdestroyer on January 23, 2014, 11:09:18 PM
Quote from: chromesphere on January 23, 2014, 09:59:13 PM
Imagine it from Bill's point of view though.  Imagine you had that massive cash cow that is the Klon at your feet and people started ripping it I think I would be p1ssed too.  He needs to remember though that ITS STILL A CASH COW.  He could produce and sell a million units to corksniffers at <whatever price he sets>...if he got off his ass and did it. 


I keep thinking of this and I think we would see the same effects that is happening now but in reverse. I would say that most of the "Cash Cow" syndrome is from the lack of devices. If you think about it this way, make more available then the demand for used and or clones would lessen. I bet if he started creating more that he would be able to charge $500 for them, but for how long? At some point the market will be saturated and people will stop buying them, or at least at those prices.

It reminds me of when the Strymon Timeline came out. I was on the initial waiting list and got mine but they sold out so quick that the units were then flipped for $800. Then in a month they get back in stock and prices are back down.

And more recently the Sony PS4.. Supply and demand conquers all. I have paid more than double for some things just to "get it now" than to wait but that was my decision.

With the number of Klones that have been built, a one man operation would have never been able to saturate is market...

Sure all the klones have been sold mainly by the hype of non-production of the original...but still is... there was a big demand for is product while building it...

How many years does it makes that P*** C. is building the Tit and Titty? And he still has plenty of demand....
Killing Unicorns, day after day...

Building a better world brick by brick:

artstomp gonna make myself a Maxon overdrive pro 820 clone...and see how it sound alongside a Klon...but to do that im gonna build a sunking first.... ;D ;D ;D ;D


Quote from: artstomp on January 23, 2014, 11:25:01 PM gonna make myself a Maxon overdrive pro 820 clone...and see how it sound alongside a Klon...but to do that im gonna build a sunking first.... ;D ;D ;D ;D

Pretty similar, just more focused on the midrange and little less output.

Killing Unicorns, day after day...

Building a better world brick by brick:


Quote from: GrindCustoms on January 23, 2014, 11:20:03 PM
Quote from: selfdestroyer on January 23, 2014, 11:09:18 PM
Quote from: chromesphere on January 23, 2014, 09:59:13 PM
Imagine it from Bill's point of view though.  Imagine you had that massive cash cow that is the Klon at your feet and people started ripping it I think I would be p1ssed too.  He needs to remember though that ITS STILL A CASH COW.  He could produce and sell a million units to corksniffers at <whatever price he sets>...if he got off his ass and did it. 


I keep thinking of this and I think we would see the same effects that is happening now but in reverse. I would say that most of the "Cash Cow" syndrome is from the lack of devices. If you think about it this way, make more available then the demand for used and or clones would lessen. I bet if he started creating more that he would be able to charge $500 for them, but for how long? At some point the market will be saturated and people will stop buying them, or at least at those prices.

It reminds me of when the Strymon Timeline came out. I was on the initial waiting list and got mine but they sold out so quick that the units were then flipped for $800. Then in a month they get back in stock and prices are back down.

And more recently the Sony PS4.. Supply and demand conquers all. I have paid more than double for some things just to "get it now" than to wait but that was my decision.

With the number of Klones that have been built, a one man operation would have never been able to saturate is market...

Sure all the klones have been sold mainly by the hype of non-production of the original...but still is... there was a big demand for is product while building it...

How many years does it makes that P*** C. is building the Tit and Titty? And he still has plenty of demand....

Oh I definitely agree with you. Most of the success stories I hear in the pedal/gear business is one or two dudes make a product that the revived well by an audience and they create and build their workplace/staff accordingly. Choosing to do it all by yourself is, what I think, got him in the place he is at now. I think it was Earthquaker Devices that was a one man operation until he started selling regularly and decided he needed a team. Same with Death by Audio, they use friends and band mates to help with builds from what I have read (Bad example I know, since build quality is shown to be not a strong suit of theirs)

This is actually a really fun subject to talk about with others. I would change the product depending on the person I am talking to here at work and ask what they would do it that situation.. fun to hear the responses.


I think the best exemple of a dedicated «one man band» buisness is Mark at BlackArts...

That guy is a Machine!
Killing Unicorns, day after day...

Building a better world brick by brick:


Quote from: GrindCustoms on January 23, 2014, 11:46:57 PM
I think the best exemple of a dedicated «one man band» buisness is Mark at BlackArts...

That guy is a Machine!

God forbid if "cork sniffers" start dooming out. Mark will need to upgrade his card table.

Jabulani Jonny

After following this whole thing I want to ask for thoughts on the Klone market. It doesn't sound like the KTR or any other "original" will be available for the foreseeable future; and for many, building isn't an option. So to condone the secondary Klone market or not?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Quote from: angrykoko on January 23, 2014, 10:57:12 PM
Phew.. just finished my card table.


I'm only in the prototyping stage of mine. I suspect you will beat me to market.


Quote from: madbean on January 23, 2014, 11:56:03 PM

I'm only in the prototyping stage of mine. I suspect you will beat me to market.

Brian - do you have any idea how much Cherry Coke burns when it leaves through your nose?
head solder jockey, part time cook: cranky&jaded


Do you know HOW MANY card tables bill tried out before he found the right one? Forget the card table clones guys, its never gunna work.
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