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Premier guitar Bill Finnegan article

Started by Jmilla, January 21, 2014, 02:24:41 PM

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I heard the CTR is being mass produced in China using MDF instead of the old, through hole, Plywood Bill was using before. Dunno, but I heard he went through like 2 years of research on the MDF to make sure it stood up to exactly the same conditions of use the Plywood version could.

He's also gotten some guy named Cochrane (Phil? Peter?) to add a switch the table so you can use it in either 4 legs or no legs. Dunno, but I bet the CRT will probably have me playing Poker like junk compared to how I played on that original Card Table my buddy used to own.

I'm gonna stick to my 2x4 clone of the original Card Table.

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Guys...GUYS. I put my amp on top of the card table and you wouldn't believe the tone I got. They said surface mount was going to sound different, but they were wrong!


Quote from: jkokura on January 24, 2014, 01:14:25 AM
Guys, you don't even need a stupid card table! For frank's sake, it's like $10,000 when all you need is like $20 in parts from your local hardware store to build one of this freaking things. Don't even tell me about how the stinking green felt of Bill's originals isn't the same as the stuff from the michaels locally, just shut the front door already.

No seriously, a buddy of mine put my 2x4 and plywood table up beside an actual, hand made by Bill Card Table, and they're identical in every way except in the way they look. They allow you to play cards and hold up your drinks and everything that's important about Card Tables. We did a blind test, and everyone lost just as much money and drank just as much at my card table as compared to when we used Bills.

Wish I shot a video. My buddy has since sold his real Card Table for like 60 grand or something stupid  on Craigslist. Nobody's gonna believe mine's just as good without that video.


I have what ultimately comes down to a slab of plastic laminated MDF with four tubular legs screwed into it. It cost all of about £20 to assemble and I can't tell the difference between effects made on it and effects made on a 'real' card table.

...actually true...

Quote from: chromesphere on January 24, 2014, 12:25:11 AM
Im sorry but you guys started it:

Love it!
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Quote from: Clayford on January 24, 2014, 04:26:57 AM
Quote from: chromesphere on January 24, 2014, 12:25:11 AM
Im sorry but you guys started it:

I know you say you're not making those anymore, but I HAVE to have one. I'd be willing to pay 2-3x the normal cost if you'd just make me one. I won't tell anyone where I got it.

Np clayford ill put you on the waiting list.  Should have one in stock for you in about 15 years.  Please let me know if you die so the next person can have yours.
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you guys ....funniest read in a long time


You know, I had a great idea. I think I found a way for Bill F to double up his production with minimal investment. What do you guys think?


Quote from: madbean on January 24, 2014, 01:29:29 PM
You know, I had a great idea. I think I found a way for Bill F to double up his production with minimal investment. What do you guys think?
An often touted idea by many but stacking doesn't work it will just leed to distortion


Quote from: angrykoko on January 23, 2014, 10:57:12 PM
Phew.. just finished my card table.


This is amazing.

Edit: Serious addition. A lot of people keep talking about going it alone etc. being part of the problem. I completely agree, and one of the best TED Talks ever talked about how the one thing all highly successful companies have in common is that they're partnerships:


Quote from: midwayfair on January 24, 2014, 01:54:28 PM
Quote from: angrykoko on January 23, 2014, 10:57:12 PM
Phew.. just finished my card table.


This is amazing.

Thanks!  My google image search skills know no bounds!
The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.


Quote from: danwelsh on January 24, 2014, 04:12:14 AM
Quote from: madbean on January 24, 2014, 03:32:13 AM
Sadly, I cannot find a reliable manufacturer for the 37/15th double threaded locking screws I need for my card table. Therefore I will redoing mine. I guess you could say it is a Card Table Redone.

Those 37/15th were outta production decades ago.....sorry :)

I hear that you can get NOS screws on the second hand market for a reasonable rate.

The question you need to ask is Aluminum or Steel? Don't forget that Bill allegedly used some kind or super special "matched" aluminum screws in his table.


This is so much better than the epic Klon thread about swearing......

Back on point, I head the CTR MDF experiment is nearing completion, but the only people who can fabricate the CTRs - leprechauns, who have a high tendency to cut themselves during production, and rumor is, their spilled blood is what actually makes the CTRs better than all the rest.

And as far as the 37/15 screws go, I do know of a shipment of 74/30 screws manufactured especially for IKEA card tables that are just  sitting in a warehouse somewhere on the North Sea, as IKEA has halted production due to sabre rattling from the CTR guru, maybe we could get our hands on those....
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


No one's going to be able to tell the difference between a real Card Table, and an old oak solid-as-the-hills kitchen table, once they're all drunk and playing poker.
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
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Hahahahahaha! The table exploded view made me explode!
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Quote from: madbean on January 21, 2014, 06:00:27 PM
I've calmed down a bit. I'm glad we are having this conversation here, because I've made my points, and I've agreed with many other things people are saying here; things I don't feel comfortable saying the bazillion Klon threads on TGP (and are wasteful there anyway). I know people here have a more unique perspective (and most likely a bit more informed) in regards to our viewpoints on the pedal business, building, etc.

In any case, I have a lot of respect for what he's accomplished. Hopefully I did not put too many bad vibes in this thread!

Really nice statement here.


This thread offers great perspective.
Technically we are all half-centaur. - Nick Offerman