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1n270 v cd SN 270?

Started by playpunk, January 19, 2014, 09:25:21 PM

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Are these the same thing? 1n270 and CD SN 270? I have a pair of blue and black diodes that are really little (1n4148/1n914 size), and I kinda doubt they're germanium... But I could be wrong. They're in a bag from Mammoth labled 1n270, but look more like BAT diodes to me.

I don't have a macro lense, so can't post pictures.
"my legend grows" - playpunk


Quote from: playpunk on January 19, 2014, 09:25:21 PM
Are these the same thing? 1n270 and CD SN 270? I have a pair of blue and black diodes that are really little (1n4148/1n914 size), and I kinda doubt they're germanium... But I could be wrong. They're in a bag from Mammoth labled 1n270, but look more like BAT diodes to me.

I don't have a macro lense, so can't post pictures.

What is the voltage drop across them?
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


I don't really know how to measure FV.
"my legend grows" - playpunk


Quote from: playpunk on January 19, 2014, 11:53:21 PM
I don't really know how to measure FV.

Set your multimeter to continuity. Put the black lead of the diode on the cathode (usually has a stripe) and the red lead on the anode. If it says 1, flip the diode (it's backwards). You should get a reading of a few hundreths of a volt. That's the forward voltage drop.

You'll notice that the continuity setting looks like a diode. ;)


"my legend grows" - playpunk