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vox wah pedal fasel and icar for weener?

Started by danwelsh, January 15, 2014, 06:13:24 AM

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hi buddy gave me a vox volume pedal he has no use for and I plan to put a weener wah 2 in it instead.....does anyone know if I can reuse its fasel and icar in the weener?


"If you can't stand the heat, stay away from the soldering iron!"


Quote from: DutchMF on January 15, 2014, 06:46:36 AM
Is there an inductor in there???????

my bad Paul.....I meant fasel....or are an inductor and fasel the same thing.....if so yes. It looks exactly like this....


okay I feel dumb now.....I never built a wah circuit before or looked inside a wah pedal but apparently my buddy thought it was a volume pedal and it's actually a wah pedal(no bottom plate).....I didn't even plug it in to try it...else I woulda figured that out after I soldered one of the cap legs back in that's pulled out....but I'm still replacing it with Brian's PCB so I think I answered my own question LOL.


Fasel is a type of inductor.  Yes you can use that inductor in a wheener.
The cap that had a leg pulled up was probably inentional to make it act as a volume pedal which is common mod to put on a switch


Quote from: marmaliser on January 15, 2014, 08:35:56 AM
Fasel is a type of inductor.  Yes you can use that inductor in a wheener.
The cap that had a leg pulled up was probably inentional to make it act as a volume pedal which is common mod to put on a switch

cool....thanks for the info. now it makes sense why he thought it was a volume pedal