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Rangemaster NPN Transistor/Slambox Master Volume mod

Started by 68Charger, January 13, 2014, 03:25:24 AM

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Hello everyone!

It's been a while since I've been on here with my last project (Slambox version 2.5) and have gotten the pedal building bug again...

This time I am looking at doing a Rangemaster, but was wondering if it's worth the effort to convert it over to a negative ground effect? I have been searching all over the internet, but haven't come across any definitive answers to my questions...

I am looking at a number of Germanium transistors at Pedal Parts Plus, but was unsure which NPN would work? Would you recommend using a AC127, AC187 or 2n388 with Brian's board?

Furthermore, is it even worth it from a tonal standpoint trying to switch over to an NPN? I know the circuit lasts a while with a battery, so I guess I am willing to sacrifice the ability to hook it up to my 1spot chain if the tone is better.

Also, I am thinking about revisiting the Slambox, but this time incorporate a Master Volume so I can use it as an overdrive. Does the version 2.5 sound much different than the last version 4.0? The only differences I see are two resistors for the step-down and LED. If the later version was an improvement, I will probably pick up a new board from Haberdasher.

What value pot would you use for a master volume? 50K or 100k? I suppose it would be wired up in lieu of the 47K resistor with the output wire going to lug 3, lug 1 going to ground and lug 2 being the new output?

Thanks for your input!
