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Pork Barrel, no sound after engaged! Voodoo instead of Mojoo!:(

Started by Gledison, January 12, 2014, 07:21:24 PM

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Hey guys, another voodoo! :(
Everything was working fine on my pork Barrel. That was a month ago. Then, today i was boxing it and decided to check again before finishing, and NO sound after switching on!
the bypass is working, no prob.
The LED gets a bit brighter and start blinking at fool DEPTH!
The LED blinks faster at higher RATE.
No modifications were done!
The 2 jumpers for the BBD MN3007 were soldered on IC4 as described on the pdf file.
Here are the values in Volts for the IC's using a 9V ISPOT
1: 4,68 Full depth, full rate (clock seems to be working)
2: 4,68
3: 4,68
4: 0
5: 4,66
6: 4,35
7: 4,63
8: 9,35

1: 5,85
2: 5,85
3: 5,77
4: 0
5: 5,85
6: 5,85
7: 5,85
8: 9,35

1: 9,18
2: 4,80
3: 0
4: 4.87
5: 0,58
6: 7,7
7: 3,5
8: 0,61

1: 9.18
2: 4.88
3: 5,11
4: 0.61
5: 0  (here seems to be weird!!)
6: 4,80
7: 5,10
8: 5,10

thanks in advance for any help!!
Cheers guys!
EDIT!!! just found by accident when touching the board that the Q1 was somehow "loose" , the problem is that doesnt seems like! but by pushing it slightly i could get the signal working....something with the soldering probably.
If i fart a lot,  it means that i'm a Gas expert ?


yeah man, sounds like a cold solder joint, reflow all there pins an you should be fine


Thanks mate.
i Edited the post before.
it was somehow a bad solder on the tranny. now works like a charm...
well, still giving me some strange pop when i turn on...need to fix it..
If i fart a lot,  it means that i'm a Gas expert ?