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Tayda Electronics clone PCBs

Started by selfdestroyer, January 10, 2014, 10:18:56 PM

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Not to derail the fun, but my point in using a CC license isn't to try and say don't use this. It's the exact opposite really. So why put the CC license on it at all then? It's really just a request and a nudge to say please do the same. The Arduino hardware is usually released using an Open Hardware license (CC I think), and that is great example of a thriving community and ecosystem with multiple businesses being quite successful and employing a pretty good number of people. That's really the point of using the CC license for me.
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rock•it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).


Quote from: RobA on April 02, 2014, 04:29:12 PM
Not to derail the fun, but my point in using a CC license isn't to try and say don't use this. It's the exact opposite really. So why put the CC license on it at all then? It's really just a request and a nudge to say please do the same. The Arduino hardware is usually released using an Open Hardware license (CC I think), and that is great example of a thriving community and ecosystem with multiple businesses being quite successful and employing a pretty good number of people. That's really the point of using the CC license for me.
+1 on this.

In my opinion, one of the points of using CCs is to let knowdlege expand & evolve freely and guarantee global access to it whether or not there's always going to be people who would want to jeopardize this with  ignoble practices.
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Quote from: RobA on April 02, 2014, 04:29:12 PM
Not to derail the fun, but my point in using a CC license isn't to try and say don't use this. It's the exact opposite really.

Same here. I actually think that expanding the awareness of creative commons and what that means expands respect of copyright in general but also helps people think about where the true value of things lies.

Or maybe I'm just a naive idiot. (It's been suggested in the past.)


Quote from: micromegas on April 02, 2014, 06:36:38 PM
In my opinion, one of the points of using CCs is to let knowdlege expand & evolve freely and guarantee global access to it whether or not there's always going to be people who would want to jeopardize this with  ignoble practices.

Quote from: midwayfair on April 02, 2014, 06:39:08 PM
Same here. I actually think that expanding the awareness of creative commons and what that means expands respect of copyright in general but also helps people think about where the true value of things lies.

Or maybe I'm just a naive idiot. (It's been suggested in the past.)

Exactly on both of these comments. And, there's nothing bad about being a naive idiot. The world wouldn't get anywhere without them. I'm very far from being naive. I'm really pretty jaded, but I'm also a stubborn idiot and I think open is the way to do things. The point about being accessible globally is important to me too.
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rock•it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).


This copyright debate tends to come up quite a bit as schematics are generally a free for all.  As far as I'm concerned that's a good thing, because if it wasn't I would still be debugging my npn booster.

I think its safe to say that in the DIY world multiple minds make faster progress then sitting in the dark on your own.  I don't know if the hate towards Tayda has anything to do with copyright though, or the circuits they are using (the same circuits that have been re-fabbed a million times over), nor do I think they care.   It's a way to make some $$.  It's probably more to do with their business practices that tends to p1ss people off around here.  Profiting off a community project.  No support. yadda yadda.  All the stuff said in the last 3 pages.

Honestly I don't really care much for what Tayda does.  At the end of the day you make your own bed.
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