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Aion Refractor - Klone v. Klon DEMO

Started by Jabulani Jonny, January 09, 2014, 03:31:00 AM

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Jabulani Jonny's been a while since I've posted.  Life just got a little crazy and I've been battling a 1590a build since last April.  Yes, last April.  At any rate, I just finished up the Aion Refractor Klone and this thing just sounds gorgeous.  I went with N695's that measured around .362 Fv each.  I may try to pick up some 0A126's to try at some point, but these sound really good so far.  I'm really excited to add this one to the pedal board.  Excellent PCB and BOM from Aion, which made the build quick and painless.  Now on the Multiplex Jr which I've been sitting on forever. 

Here's a demo with crappy playing at 12:30 AM.  When I go back and forth on the video timeline between the two pedals, I honestly can't tell a difference.  I think it's playing dynamics that actually introduces any variances. 



Looks real good! I've been avoiding 1590As. I bought one and put it in a drawer.
"Be more constructive with your feedback, please" ~Jemaine Clement


Very clean build. I have one of these PCBs also that needs to be populated. You have inspired me to build it next.


Looks very good.
I too have one waiting to be populated....


Nice tidy build! Love the colour.

Sent from my thumbs using Tapatalk!




I really like the graphic for this. Pedal looks fantastic, nice job.

Battery Acid

Very nice build! A few weeks ago I received some Aion Boards (Helios and Cerulean), and they're just amazing! I think is time to get some klon boards from him also, hehe
Complicate it doesn't make it wrong


Wow, that's killer. Love the graphic, too.


Jabulani Jonny

Thanks for the compliments guys.  I'm going to try and put a demo up of it this weekend.  I've been battling my 1590a Bearhug build and doing this one in a 125b felt like working in a lunchbox.   ;D 


Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


Technically we are all half-centaur. - Nick Offerman

Jabulani Jonny

Okay, I got a chance to really get into this tonight at practice.  Not only that, but the other guitarist actually brought a Klon with him he borrowed from a buddy.  So I took about 20 minutes at the end of practice to just noodle through both of them. 

Let me just say....holy crap.  I really like like the sound of this pedal.  Not only that, but IF, IF there was a difference between the two, it was only very slight and I honestly feel like I could close that gap by swapping diodes and A/B'ing for a little bit.  Seriously, this thing sounds fantastic. 

Kudos to Aion for a great board and build.  I'm going to see if I can snag the Klon for the weekend and run a side by side demo to post.  Keep you posted!


A side-by-side video would be awesome! If you made it (and didn't mind!) I might embed it on the Refractor page just in case anyone's skeptical.

A guy at a local guitar store A/B'd a Refractor against a real Klon and he also said the difference was microscopic at most. I also built one for the guitarist of Imagine Dragons and it kicked the real Klon off his pedalboard. So, if you couldn't hear a difference then you're in good company :)