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Univibe - hardbinger one

Started by Kinki fuzz, December 27, 2013, 02:22:40 PM

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Kinki fuzz

I'm still doing my first attempts with printed clear stickers and clear coats, and you can see several errors here, and the clear spray I have used is rather "yellowish", so I messed the whole thing up quite a bit. But somehow, I like the dirty artwork I ended up with for a Univibe. For the lamp cover I used some cardboard with aluminum tape in the inside, not good looking but it works.

About the sounds this is pure magic, I am very thankful to madbean for this project, and making such a complex project so easy. I had no issues at all to make it work (being the clumsy guy I am this is important to note). The sound of this effect is one of a kind, primitive, beautiful and sexy.


Good work. I like the yellowish-beige colour, too.
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

My projects are labeled Quantum Effects. My shared OSH park projects:
My build docs and tutorials


Nice Job! I'm nearly done with mine, looking for cool knobs, trying to wire in an LED rate light under an amp jewel lens, big PITA, but it will look cool. Looks like you did the 18V version with no filter board? Is your LED  just a status light, or does it blink in time with the LFO? I ended up using a 7/8" furniture leg cap that fits perfectly, lined with guitar anti-rf stickyback foil, stupid easy. I set the PCB height such that the back cover will hold the lightshield in place with no additional hold-downs. Can't wait to finish and try it out.


Very nice!  You're inspiring me to get back and finish mine.  With the holidays I haven't touched any of my projects in a few weeks.

Kinki fuzz

Thanks forma the comments!
I built it for 9v. and the LED es just status, it's silly on my side but I don't like blinking les, they stress me! :o



Nicely executed, inside and out!!
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.