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Zombie Chorus - enclosure voting

Started by mcalaff, December 09, 2013, 05:17:02 PM

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Im doing a Zombie Chorus into a 1590A enclosure.

At the last step (put all into the enclosure) an accident was ocurred. Ontly 10cm, but the crash test was not satisfactory :'(

I tried to fix it but it was worse. The painting continues cracked.

I open a voting thread...

a) Try to fix it again.
b) Nothing.
c) Scratch and crack elsewhere like an old/vintage pedal.



I have stripped and repainted an enclosure with less damage than that, so I would be choosing a.


That is a gorgeous enclosure, super clean so it's a real shame that happened! That said, it is also a great color combo for some faux vintage relic thing, but you'd have to go all the way (so really have some chipping in logical places, dirty it up a bit and make sure that that aluminum underneath isn't so darn shiny!).

So I could go with both options a and c.


When I want to fix it I had an excessive thickness of paint with a different tone. I haven't pics, when I saw the result I removed that abort...

Another options is stripping all and start again at zero point.


I agree that it looks too nice and clean to have a big chunk on the corner.  I would probably first try to fix it by masking the graphics and repainting the corner, trying to blend it in to the old paint.  If that doesn't look good you can always strip and redo it later.


Yeah, try to fix it.  If that won't work, then relic it.


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I personally don't think fixing it will be that easy. I would probably relic it or start over.


I just ran into the same. I had a powdercoated 1590a and was about to drill the last hole for the led. I center punched it and when it punched it took off a huge flake of paint. Gonna chalk it up to a loss and strip it and repowder it for another project down the road.

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For that large of a chunk to come off, it looks like there might be some overall paint adhesion issues.  I'd probably fix it now before stuffing it.
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