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Just watched this, my life has changed forever

Started by Cortexturizer, December 08, 2013, 08:44:54 PM

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Some of you surely watched it already, but for those of you that didn't - turn your soldering iron RIGHT NOW, and watch this thing. I would never derail a forum to recommend a movie, but this thing is the best one I've seen in years. It's not a movie per se, it's a true tale, it goes right to the heart of all things music, of all the things that matter actually. I have never seen anything like it, all of these guys that made this happen are true idols and knights of kindness, they definitely bring back the hope for mankind! - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Never heard of it. Probably try to watch it tonight.
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


I've been meaning to watch that.  It's been sitting in my Amazon cart for a while.

The story is amazing.  I'm really looking forward to seeing it.
Function f(x)
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i saw this not too long ago and quite enjoyed it. since it deals with south africa, this movie might be appropriate to watch given the recent death of nelson mandela.


This movie is a perfect example of the Internet helping media in a good way. It reminds me when I was in high school and relied on friends/foes to make "mix tapes" and they were passed around. If it was not for these tapes i would have never heard Nivana's Bleach or Skinny Puppy's VIVIsectVI. Today, we are engulfed in media and ANYONE can make an track or album and distribute it.


Ah Mix Tapes.... that brings back (good) memories  :)

I remember doing them for Girlfriends too when I was a young buck, hand written liner notes and all that jazz  ;)

I have heard of that film; need to put it on my watch list.

He played Glastonbury last year to a massive crowd. A heartwarming story through and through.


Quote from: raulduke on December 09, 2013, 09:50:44 AM
Ah Mix Tapes.... that brings back (good) memories  :)

I remember doing them for Girlfriends too when I was a young buck, hand written liner notes and all that jazz  ;)
Haha I did that too!

QuoteA heartwarming story through and through.

Sure is, I was amazed. - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


A fantastic movie indeed.
(spoiler alert)
after watching, i was checking about the life of this guy. Actually its not exactly as they show in the movie...he was not so "unknown and miserable"...
but still a great movie and a life lesson!
If i fart a lot,  it means that i'm a Gas expert ?


I'm sure a lot of people who investigate further will find discrepancies between real life events and what the movie portrayed but those are not that important in my opinion. He was pretty famous in Australia till the end of the seventies, that bit got left out, which was definitely important, and deliberately it got left out to make a slightly more compelling story. But still, i feel that nothing has changed for me no matter how further I was investigating... Cheers - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


About a year ago, one of my family members played the song "Sugar Man" at a get together and I said "wait a minute, I recognize this one." So, when I got back home I checked on my computer and I did have the song from a sampler I'd picked up at Amazon in 2008. I'd marked it 4 out of 5 stars, which is very rare for stuff I get from Amazon to check out (which is tons of stuff). So, no matter how much artistic license was taken with the film, the music, at least for me, is real enough. I think that's pretty much the point too. There's a significant portion of the population that's open to anything that is "real" music.

I haven't seen the film yet, but I definitely want to. So, thanks for bringing it back up into my feeble mind to remind me to go and do it.
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rockā€¢it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).


Quote from: Cortexturizer on December 09, 2013, 02:07:01 PM
I'm sure a lot of people who investigate further will find discrepancies between real life events and what the movie portrayed but those are not that important in my opinion. He was pretty famous in Australia till the end of the seventies, that bit got left out, which was definitely important, and deliberately it got left out to make a slightly more compelling story. But still, i feel that nothing has changed for me no matter how further I was investigating... Cheers
Dont get me wrong! I totally agree with you! I just mentioned that ive read some critics( bastards as usual) that pointed that he wasnt miserable as they show!
It doesn't changed anything for me neither! Great movie and good that you posted here!!
If i fart a lot,  it means that i'm a Gas expert ?


Our library is usually pretty good at getting this sort of thing into the system but i've been watching for this one for months and nothing yet...

For anyone interested in music documentaries there's an extensive thread on the topic over at diystompboxes in the members  Lounge - OT, many, many great suggestions including Sugarman.
"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got." - Unknown

If my photos are missing again... they're hosted by photobucket... and as of 06/2017 being held hostage... to be continued?


Just finished watching it and it really is great. Thanks for pointing it out! Music is amazing, too. If I can find those LPs they'll get a lot of play.
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


As a South African, I grew up listening to this guy. Must have been around 15 years ago that I first heard his stuff. Still need to catch the movie though!!


listening to his albums after watching the film revealed a lot of songs that are pretty much on the rock side, with awesome toanz to be heard with great distorted old school solos, loving em too. pretty versatile man.
but the lyrics are what really stands out for me. awesome awesome insights portrayed. I love it when a man can depict a whole situation with stunning details with the right words, there he is, doing a line or two and you can almost smell the scene in front of you... - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams