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NGD - Starcaster!

Started by jprizz, December 04, 2013, 06:17:48 PM

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Finally! I've been wanting a semi-hollow for a loooong time. Wasn't crazy about Epi Dots so I was leaning more towards a Sheriton. Then I discovered Offset guitars, enter the never ending GAS for an offset guitar. Stumbled onto Offset guitars forum which opened my eyes to the Starcaster. Everything I wanted in one guitar. When Fender finally announced it was re-releasing them, I marched myself over to my local dealer and ordered one. The word Starcaster no sooner left my lips when my dealer asked me, "Now why do you want to do that?" Ha! He was not a fan of the originals. Long story short, I ordered the guitar Sept 4th, got a call Dec 2nd to come to the shop. WooHoo! When I walked in (limped in actually, more on that later) the first words out of Fred's mouth were, "I am shocked at how much I like this guitar, makes me glad I ordered two!" Only complaint he had was that it was crafted in China. (boo!) He handed me what he considered the better of the two and I sat down with my new baby.
Everything on this guitar is 'Just Right'. Its balanced well, fit and finish were spotless, neck is not too thin, not too fat. Resonates quite loudly unplugged and sounds fanatastic plugged in. I have NO experience with original WRHB's and these new ones are the first I've ever tried so I can't compare them but I was able to get the widest variety of tones out of this guitar than any other guitar I've got. And beleive it or not, I've grown to actually like the headstock shape though I wasn't a fan of it at first.
Now about the limping. I tore my achilles tendon running backwards of all things and have been laid up with that since Nov 2nd. I had surgury a week ago to repair it, Doc said I obliterated it so I've been on bed/couch rest since it happened. I'm supposed to have my foot elevated to keep the pressure down which kind of makes guitar playing awkward. But I just had to sneak down and give her a spin on my gear when I got home. I played only for a couple minutes before I had to hang it up because of the pain in my foot but it was worth it!


Looks great! hope your foot gets better soon so you can commence with th' rockin'.


Congrats man, that looks killer!
My friend is having his made by a local luthier [due to him loving a slightly different neck shape, and we wanted a custom guitar a long time], I am a massive fan of this guitar and wide range humbuckers. If those are the ones installed in every tele deluxe out there, then there is definite room for improvement [I had those custom made the right way but kept the Fender pickup covers, it transformed the guitar from so-so to the one I will never part ways with].
Enjoy your new AWESOME guitar, every trip to offset guitars makes a smile on my face, the world needs less strats and les pauls :P [love both of them hehe] Cheers! - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Now that's a beauty! Nice score!
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


Beautiful looking guitar. I too was in the market early this year for a hallow body also. I had a Epiphone Rivera and I fell in love iwht it. The humbuckers are so smooth sounding and can get a great growl when needed. But... now seeing yours I will need to look into them since I am a sucker for offsets. That's actually how I heard about this forum is from Timbo since he is also part of the forum. Play the heck out of that thing and enjoy it.


Quote from: midwayfair on December 04, 2013, 06:28:27 PM
Looks great! hope your foot gets better soon so you can commence with th' rockin'.
Thanks Jon, me too!

Quote from: Cortexturizer on December 04, 2013, 08:32:03 PM
I am a massive fan of this guitar and wide range humbuckers. If those are the ones installed in every tele deluxe out there, then there is definite room for improvement [I had those custom made the right way but kept the Fender pickup covers, it transformed the guitar from so-so to the one I will never part ways with].
I was planning a pickup replacement from all the reviews I´ve read about  the new WRHB but I think they sound fine for now. What do I know, my ears aren't the best though.  :P


Don't worry man, play it till it stop sounding great hehe, I had the reissues in my tele deluxe and thought they were ok, but then I met a guy with an original 1977 tele deluxe, I tried that guitar and the difference was day and night. The originals are 3 times louder, have better definition, everything. The reissue pickups are alnico 2 humbuckers and have no direct connection with the wide range humbuckers.
I had a friend [who is a genius luthier IMHO] make me alnico V pickups that were correct to the WRHB specs [they are 10.6, and the bridge is almost 11] and the guitar hasn't become a wild metal overcompressed sounding beast, it is still a 100% Fender tele sounding axe but much much better, I love it to death now.
I regret now telling you this, shouldn't have planted a seed of doubt in your mind, go there and play that thing as much as possible, make awesome music with it, and look killer in the process! Cheers man. - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Great guitar.

You can bust out some neat Jonny Greenwood riffs with it!