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Cupcake Sus pot question

Started by casssax, November 28, 2013, 04:19:58 AM

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I build a Cupcake and I've read that the Sus trimmer pot should read about 1.5 - 1.7 vdc to get compression without it turning into a boost.

If that's the case, then why do they have a 10k trimmer pot?

Wouldn't a 5k or 3k trimmer pot be a lot easier to dial into the sweet spot?

This is the first real pedal I've built and I'm just curious why you would pick a pot with such a wide range when the useful range is so small in comparison. On the pot that I have the useful range is about 1/2mm in one direction or the other.


My guess would be availability. A 10K trimmer is a lot easier to source compared to a 3K or even a 5K.